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Question for the SFIC M&P Soapers


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For all of you who work with SFIC soap, I am wondering which you prefer to use:

  1. Use the standard white or clear base, and add your own additives.
  2. Use the additive-specific bases (e.g., shea, cocoa butter, GM)
  3. Use both #1 and #2

I would like to know which option you prefer, and why? TIA.

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I just got some SFIC base for the first time this past week. I haven't used it yet to form an opinion, but you can bet that I will be adding lots to it, and I sure will let you know. I got the white, and the goat milk to try. I was super curious as to how the goat milk with additives would compare to a white base with gm AS an additive. I couldn't stand the suspsense anymore, so I had to get some to try. I'll get back to you... :yes:

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I use SFIC white and GM and add tons of stuff to mine.. my favorite combo right now is GM with avocado oil, castor oil and stearic with fragrance. My soap is very bubbly and moisturinzing. It is just as good in the white base as well. It seem a little harder though. HTH..

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I have played with a lot of additives and have tested the bars side by side. I currently have about 25 bars on sink that I use to test how the different additive effects the soap. From my testing, I can say that everything I put in my soap makes it different. Some additives make more later.. some change the lather into a creamier lather versus a large bubbly lather(the GM base is like this on its own) I personally love adding Avocado oil for its awesome moisturizing properties. If I add too much, it can drastically reduce my bubbling affect. I have added cocoa butter and it seemed to completely kill my big bubbles, but once you agitated it enough, the lather was really creamy. I have found a balance of additives that work for me and my customers (family and friends). Once you get the additives down to what you are looking for, it is important to note that fragrance oils and their properties may change your soaps characteristics. Example.. my favorites scents in mp are Philosophy dupes Amazing Grace and Pure Grace. They smell awesome, but when using these compared to Coconut Cream and Peach Magnolia Raspberry, the lather is different... I use the same amount, but each oil is made with God know what so you never know what your results are going to be until you just go hog wild and add whatever the heck until you are happy with the end result! Good Luck and feel free to search here for suggestions on quantities.. Prairie Annie has posted some great info on M&P additives!


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Thanx for the replies. You all are SO helpful. :yay:

I made a particular soap that is AWESOME on the skin...but I guess I added a bit too much of something (not sure what cuz I added several things) and lather is now non-existent. So I'll just keep testing until I get that oh-so-right combo.

Thanx for the stearic info. That is most certainly helpful! :highfive:

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