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Lip balm question...


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Robin, I was eyeing those lip balm filling trays on another site, they look great if you make alot of lip balm, but boy are they pricey. Considering I had to beg hubby to be able to make just a little lip balm for myself , and finally order the tubes while he wasnt looking, it will be a while before I need one.

Here is a place that sells a smaller mold, 42 tubes for $150 Canadian, shipping included.


A friend suggested using a little syringe like you use to give a baby medicine, you can probably find them at walmart or the drug store.

BTW, that site has the cheapest price I have seen on Canadian lip balm tubes ,thank you :)

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I use a plastic pipette - I think it's a 3ml one. I get them at MMS http://the-sage.com, but lots of different b&b places carry them. If your balm is hot enough it doesn't solidify inside.

What I'd really like to get is one of these :)


Am I missing something on that website?

Those are just trays, no machine that fills them. Right? That's all I see.

So you set your tubes up in the trays and then fill them with a measuring cup or pipette?

Also, one trick I found out is whenver possible, use plastic, NOT metal or glass, esp. metal. They cool down faster than plastic. IME. The plastic pipettes and funnels make it much easier to fill the lip balm tubes and deoderant tubes.

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The site I listed has the sample trays - holds 25 tubes for I forget how much $US. Yeah, they aren't cheap. The benefit was the tubes snap in and your can just pour messy - the lip catches everything and you can scrape off the excess. Just allows you to work faster, if you need to do alot. Would take a while to pay for itself.

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