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craft shows and fairs


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Check your area for shows, call chamber of commerces, check the newspaper, ask about shows in your area. You looking for how to find them? Generally if you can find the coordinator then you can get the rules to the show too. There's an online craftlister I think it is and several craft show publications. Other crafters might be able to point you to what publication to get.

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I would suggest once you find the events that you select a couple of reasonably priced one or two day shows close to home to 'test the waters' (how your product sells - although your first couple won't necessarily be great indicators), and most improtantly if you LIKE participating... when I first started out back in the day (LOL)...I quickly discovered I was not prepared with enough product or knowledge. To top it off, I HATED doing them. They were a good experience just to learn that!

Many crafters/chandlers etc love them, I'm just not one of 'em so don't let that discourage you! HTH

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All the above.. and in addition.. go to as many shows as possible. Look at displays, what do you like and dislike. Work what you do like into your display. Look at each show as a possible place for you to sell. How are the crowd? Are there a lot of people, do they look like shoppers or buyers. Talk to other vendors, do they like the show, how often have they done it, what do they think of the promoters, is it a 'flea market' or hand craft and where do you want to be in that? Every year I try to add a few shows and I 'shop' them the year before I add them.

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I sell at the local farmer's market every Sunday. I have been doing this for 2 years now. My business has really grown. Yes it is a pain to get up every Sunday morning and sit outside for 6 hours but... this is the main way I sell my candles and incense. I have a website, but have only had a very few sales from that. I had a few candles in two stores for consigment that went ok, but I make more money selling at the Farmer's Market. You might want to give it a try, I am now getting repeat customers.


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