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Anyone use a light box for their web photos?


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Actually, the menus should be essentially the same for Macs and PCs, but Photoshop varies widely from version to version. I've used about 3-4 versions of PS over several years, and I always need a "break-in" period to familiarize myself with the menus when I get newer versions. They're pretty happy-go-lucky when it comes to changing their layouts and they seem to like coming up with new versions every other year or so.

That's a good tutorial, and the features mentioned (layers, curves, resizing) are standard features in every PS version but you may need a moment to locate them in your menus if you're using a different version.

Paintshop Pro should be fine for photos. I've seen some beautiful artwork done on Paintshop, though I've never used it myself. It's much better for digital art... comes much closer to actual brush strokes than Photoshop does.

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Oh Stella! I have to check this out. I'm an OS nut, simply because of the pricing on the stuff out there. Plus OS usually has a nice support for them, along with FREE upgrades. No more buying Photoshop 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 (hell maybe even 9 now).

Thanks for the heads up!

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I was getting ready to make a light box and my hubby came home with a Studio in a box he found at Wal-mart. He had bought me an excellent camera for my birthday and then last week he bought this studio. It comes with 2 studio lights, camera tripod, the box with 3 back grounds, Blue, Black and white and a carrying case for 50 dollars.. I love it and have been using the heck out of it. My MIL has started doing ebay and I have been doing her pics for her,,,I LOVE it. I use Paint shop pro for my editing and enhancing and such,,,Thought I would share this with all of you.

Im hoping to get some pics of my candles done when I get my MIL situated,,,:cheesy2:

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I was getting ready to make a light box and my hubby came home with a Studio in a box he found at Wal-mart. He had bought me an excellent camera for my birthday and then last week he bought this studio. It comes with 2 studio lights, camera tripod, the box with 3 back grounds, Blue, Black and white and a carrying case for 50 dollars.. I love it and have been using the heck out of it. My MIL has started doing ebay and I have been doing her pics for her,,,I LOVE it. I use Paint shop pro for my editing and enhancing and such,,,Thought I would share this with all of you.

Im hoping to get some pics of my candles done when I get my MIL situated,,,:cheesy2:

that sounds like the one i got from walmart but i only got a gray and blue background :mad:

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