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For everyone having a bad time with frosting, motteling etc - a PICK ME UP!

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Since I began making candles, I find myself always checking out other candles in the stores. They ALL have wet spots and some have had frosting. Pier One, Wally World, Yank's at BB&B to the corner grocer.

I've seen candles with frosting flying off the shelves at Cracker B. I really don't think people mind them. Unless they buy for a gift or perhaps to add to decor. I've done that before.

I was going to post a pic in the gallery the other day because I wanted you guys to see a very UNSAFE candle I purchased from one of the big guys.

Nothing securing the wick tab and the wick shifted horribly. I did not even realize how dangerous this candle was until AFTER I started making candles and visiting this forum.

The jar is so full of soot it's ridiculous. I did not "marathon burn" this candle. And the kicker is--it's soy and on the label it says clean burning.

I think you guys are way too hard on yourselves about the wetspots and frosting. I'll bet your candles are much better than the big guys.

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