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candles and supplies wood wicks

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has anyone tried the new wooden wicks that candles and supplies is offering ? i wonder if they would work in soy ? i did end up purchasing a "wood n wick" candle around Christmas just to try it out.. it really burned black.. but i eventually burned the whole thing.. it burned and it did make the crackling sound that it was soppose to make... i find them intresting.. just that they burned so dang black... if i could perfect my own so the jar wouldn't get so black i think it would be really an attractive addition ... but just wondering if anyone has tried them ...

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Curiosity got the best of me, I ordered some of the small ones.

Already had a fresh pear wickless poured to test so I put the wood in that. After I trimmed it to what I thought was an appropriate length, I put it in. When I lit it, the flame was huge. It burned off the extra solvent I think. After that was gone, it burned ok but you couldn't hear the crackling unless you singed your hair by getting your ear too close. I ordered the small size, which is too small for this jar so MP wasn't good. Scent throw was good though. When I relit it the next day, it put itself out. It took me about 5 minutes to get the dumb thing lit again. Now on the second burn, the flame is very weak. All in all, my recommendation is don't try them. If you are curious, I may be interested in selling these as samples (to cover my stupidity) if anyone wants to try one.

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I've been trying them too. My gripe so far is the first time you light it, it has a very big flame. The melt pool and hot throw is AWESOME.

I surely could not rec. anyone selling them with candles. Not right now. I think they need improvement to be safe enough. They're not consistent. Some won't re-light. Trimming is not going to be easy for your customers...I don't think. Even if they were to just "pinch" off the burned parts of the wick, it's kinda tricky. Especially if there's nothing sustaining it to the bottom. I've actually come up with a nifty way to hold it/keep it straight and it's working really good.

Some of the wood wicks do very well. It's hit or miss. But for curiosity's sake and personal enjoyment it's fun to test them.

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I also purchased the wood wicks to try out and I was unhappy with the flame! It seemed very "fluttery" and inconsistent, makes me nervous! I would love to unload some if anyone wants to play :)


I love playing! PM me with what you're offering. I *might* be interested. :)

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I also purchased the wood wicks to try out and I was unhappy with the flame! It seemed very "fluttery" and inconsistent, makes me nervous! I would love to unload some if anyone wants to play :)


You said you were unhappy with the flame! What type of wax do you use?

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I tried them in palm container wax. I did some testing with them in 3 1/2" jar with no fo or color and in both attempts, the flame looks unstable. Flickers and moves around the wood alot. I also thought they burned too hot. Another thing with the large ones, is the trimming. How in the heck do you trim these things?

I ordered the large ones from WSP first before I saw the smaller ones. Oh BTW, I did split them apart and try that too :) (oops not supposed to) but they only tunnel. So, there is a reason for that suggestion. I have about 45 of them left. If anyone is interested, I will sell them for cost plus shipping. you can email me :)

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For the first time yesterday I saw where someone was selling candles with wood wicks.I thought they sound dangerous.Just by saying cracking and popping.I was going to ask about them and questions are answered.Don't think I will go for it.Not now and probably never.We candlemakers don't need something to worry about.Sometimes when I haven't trimmed my safe cotton wick the flame get high and that worries me being a candlemaker.How do we know what others do.LynnS

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  • 1 month later...

I tried these in a 16 oz jar and this is what my tester said...I think I have to repalce her mantle...I am still testing them though to see if i can make them work...Here are the exact words of my tester:

"I just wanted to let you know that last night I burned one of the wood wick candles longer than I have yet, and the glass shattered all over, the wax was on fire on my mantel and I couldn't get it to stop burning!! so if you are making more candles like [these], you might want to rethink it. (I think that I had it burning for about an hour before the glass blew up) --It was sort of scary."

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OMG!!! I tested these wicks and had pretty decent results but decided that the maintenance of the wicks was a bit much for the normal consumer so I decided to stop testing and forget the whole wood wick idea.

Thank goodness I did!

I hope you had your tester sign a waiver of liability.

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I was going to edit my past post, but I guess it is too late. I am so confused about why my tester had this problem. I burned one in a 14 oz. jar for 3 hours straight and it is not even very hot. Maybe there is a difference in the types of glass or something. I really don't know but it makes me wonder how it could explode in a bigger jar in only 1 hours time. Any suggestions?

ETA: When I just did my test burn I also did not trim the wick even once, It hought maybe that was why hers exploded but my flame is quite high and the glass is still only warm to touch. It is the exact same wax. (Not veggie, I know this is the veggie wax forum but I did not want to start a new thread when this one was already here.) For these I use 50 parafin and 50 percent of my container wax which is, Production Single-Pour Container Wax from Candles and Supplies.com...it is a parafin vegetable blend.

Here is a pic of mine burning after 3 hours without trimming the wick. It is scented lemond pound cake from peaks incase you wanted to know.


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Do you think maybe her container had a hairline crack that you didn't see when you poured?

I don't know I am baffled. I looked at the jar that hers is in and the glass is a little thinner than the one i am burning right now. That is the only thing I can think of. I am just so confused about how it could happen. I mean it had to be pretty hot if the wax was on fire on her mantle...right?

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I am so frustrated, I think after I get to talk to her at work on monday, I will feel better. I just feel bad about it. But I did not actually talk to her, I just got an email, it may not be as bad as I am imagining. Who knows. I gave her my phone number and she has not called, so she must not be that upset or anything.

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Hello! I did try the wood wicks for fun. At first...I thought it was awesome! However, after about 4 burns...the wax started to turn black and it began to smell like something was burning! I agree with the previous posts..the maintenance is tough...I had to buy special cutters to trim the wick between each burn and you really have to make sure you trim it right down to the wax.

I think its a really great concept but needs to be perfected. Loved the "crackly" sound (after a few hours my husband thought the sound was annoying) and the scent throw in the beginning was awesome.

There is a candle co who is retailing those candles!

I'd be a nervous wreck!! :shocked2:

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