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Soy container...pink/chocolate


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I poured this today. It actually came out pretty good. I had some left over from months ago cause i was getting frustrated with the soy. I decided to try it again & WOW! It came it came out pretty good. I have to take the heat gun the top cause of some cracks, but other then that..I am impressed. Can anyone tell me why the tops crack like that..It use to only crack around the wick, but for some reason this time it cracked all over the top..no big deal, but why does it do that?

Thanks for looking


P.s. I only had these wicks which would have been to small for this container, so wicked wicked with 2 of them. I wicked this way and not sure if it was a good idea..wondering about other corners not getting enough melt pool. Agree? Wicks were HTP-62's..All I had for Soy.



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Sometimes mine crack in the winter, if I use too much beeswax in them. I have to back down on it in the winter and I up it back up in the summer.

Not sure about the wicking, if those 2 wicks are gonna do the trick. Myself, I would try a large single wick. But if that is all you have, and it is poured already, I would give it a try and see what it does. That is what learning to make candles is all about right? Testing and experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. Best of luck to you! :D

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