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Oily top

Guest DeeDee

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I just made my first batch of CP last night- but it looks like a wet spot is in the middle of the top of it. It feels oily. Can anybody help me figure out what's going on with it?


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I used the "Beginner's Recipe" that is listed on here- adapted to have 5% castor

Olive Oil- 45%

Coconut Oil-25%



I think I mixed it well enough- How can I tell (other than the oil spot) if I didn't? I mixed the FO with the other oils.

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It was the default on soapcalc- 5% I think. It's not deep, just on the surface and it's only about an inch wide and 2-3 inches long. Is it common for something like that to happen?

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It is really liquid- just on the surface. It is hard underneath. I don't mind all of the questions. I am beginning to think I really messed something up, though. I just went to clean up my pot, and it didn't really lather or anything. It made my hands feel oily.

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Did you do the "tongue test"? Did it zap you if you did? How long ago did you make the soap?

If there is no zap and you made the soap within a day or so ago, then it's probably just some excess oil, and it will seep back in if you give it a little time (like a few mor hours) before you cut it.

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Give it a few days and see if it reabsorbs. If you can, post a picture of it. Sometimes it's sweating a bit of glycerin or something, and that's nothing to worry about.

FYI, I either add the FO to the oils before adding the lye mixture, or when I add it at trace, I hand stir it in to make sure I've incorporated it well enough. I almost never use the SB after adding FO to traced soap. Adding FO either way ensures it is mixed in well enough.

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I agree with Rebecca and jcandleattic -- may just need a bit more time. Your recipe looks good--I've used that one myself before w/ no problems. Superfat amount is fine, fragrance amount is fine (on the conservative side, if anything). How much water did you use, how much lye, and what size of batch? (2 lb. of oils, for example.)

I've had batches that didn't zap but had a few beads of "sweat" on top from getting hot in the mold. They were fine; I just carefully blotted with a paper towel to remove the weirdness. Yours may be pooled in the center because your batter wasn't perfectly flat and even, and they puddled at the low spot. I've had tiny amounts of oiliness on top a batch before and I just let the batch sit for an extra day, and POOF! Stuff is gone. Re-absorbed into the soap or evaporated or whatever. The soap was fine.

No worries; give it an extra 12-24 hours and see how it looks. :) Edited to add: You said the soap didn't lather for you. IMO, it's a bit early to judge that. This recipe WILL lather for you, but it does need a little cure time. Six weeks is best. Lather continues to improve as soap ages. Hope that helps. :)

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Thanks to all-

I guess I just needed to be a little more patient. All of the oil has been absorbed, and it looks OK. I even tried a little piece and it seems to be fine. I'll know next time to wait it out a bit more.

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