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Pouring BUtters


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When pouring butters should temp matter? I poured 2 4oz jars od shea butter last night and this morning they were still soft (expected) but the tops had sink holes.

I know I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you worried about getting them too hot. All oils have smoke points, and they're all different. It's the reason why some cooking oils are recommended for deep frying and others aren't. I can tell you, if you hit the smoke point with your oils, you will know, and it is nasty!

Also, high heating of some oils, such as shea, will damage the beneficial properties. Obviously not something you want to do.

The other thing you have to worry about when pouring oils too hot is your container. I make lip balm bases, and had originally hoped to sell in PET jars, because I had some left over from a different product that I discontinued, and I just had had no luck in garage selling these babies (they're bulky - so huge shipping box). Hah! What a mistake. I melted that jar so incredibly fast, that I had lip balm ALL OVER MY KITCHEN COUNTER AND SCALE! That took forever to clean up. I'm just glad I didn't kill my scale. I now use HDPE, but I still have to be very careful not to pour it too hot, or it still can warp.

As for the sink holes in the middle, it's like pouring lip balms or candles. It shrinks some as it cools, and it forms a sink hole. It's real easy to pour just under your final weight, then top it off after it's cooled. I had to do this with my lip balm bases just because 16 oz by weight was really hard to actually fit in a 16 oz jar. I poured 3/4, let it cool and shrink, and then topped it off. I'm going to be upsizing to 20 oz jars next week so I don't have to do this (major time loss for me).

I posted all the answers I could think of regarding your question. :cheesy2: Hopefully one of them was what you were looking for! Or hopefully it was obvious to everyone else. I had a migraine this morning. It's gone now, but the meds always leave me a little fog-brained for the rest of the day. Things that should be obviously clear simply aren't.

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When I made my lotion sticks and lip balms, I heated all butters and oils slowly in a double boiler. When everything looked melted ( I think I went up to 110 degrees) I removed from the heat, and let it sit for about 10 minutes then poured. I reserved some to top off because yes....I had sink holes. Hope this helps

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