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goats milk soap


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Hi everyone,

I love the goats milk soap & lotion from cracker barrel and I am hooked on it. I was thinking maybe I could make my own eventually. My question is this....what book would you guys recommend for this. Figure I can read up on soap between making candles lol. Also would it be better to do a HP or CP soap using the GM.

TIA everyone

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All I can tell you from experience from last weekend. MAKE SURE your goats milk is frozen or slushy before you add your lye. I did it at room temp and it about killed me with the smell. I like CP soap, but then I have never tried HP.

Heres my link with my GM experience.


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I do a lot of my CP soaps with goatsmilk. I use the powdered stuff since I have not been able to find fresh where I live. I mix the powder into my oils and stick blend well prior to adding my lye water. I have had good luck doing it that way. As for a book, I can't help you, but you should be able to search this site and find more info than you would get out of most books!

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The SoapMakers Companion!!! It's a great book and has a whole section for goats milk soap. They have recipes in the book but you may want to half it as thiers are always set at 8 or 12 lb batches if I remember correctly. :)

Goats milk is easy once you get the hang of it. Just remember if you are using it as the liquid portion to make sure it's slushy or frozen so as not to scorth it. :)

Good luck!

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