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Angel in the Mold


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I've have this FO from two different suppliers (neither is SC), thinking maybe I should try it out in some CP soap for ya. They smell exactly the same to me, and I know I LOVE the original Mugler perfume, but can't remember if these smell exactly like that. I hate that.

They are both dark oils, so I'm sure they'll darken soap, unfortunately, but I bet mine were cheaper than SC's version. ;) LOL

That blue looks almost navy blue, is it? I know what you mean though, not really the colors you'd think of to go with this scent (especially the bright yellow) I still like it of course, cuz I've never NOT liked anything you've made. ;)

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Thanks, everyone!

I thought it would discolor to a tan..which would have been okay. The yellow was a huge surprise and is discoloration from this FO. It smells exactly like Thierry Mugler Angel perfume :drool: , so I guess I'll put up with the yellow to get this great fragrance!

You should have seen the Flowerbomb soap I attempted with SC version of that high end fragrance. It discolored to mustard and bright orange. I tossed the 3 pound log...very disappointing. That one I'll reserve for B&B only.

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