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Should I do it? Opinions on Adobe Software...


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So I have often run across the need to either open or send, AI files. I don't have it. I use Print Shop Pro Pub Deluxe 20 and love it, it does wonderful things and has a very nice advanced graphic editor, but it's not AI. Not even close.

I also have (old) Dreamweaver 4. I am taking a course on Dreamweaver 8 next month, so I need to get it.

I'm looking at purchasing Adobe's Creative Suite 2.3 Premium which includes full versions of:

  • Photoshop CS2
  • Illustrator CS2
  • In-Design
  • GoLive
  • Acrobat 8


  • Dreamweaver 8

All for $359.00 which is ridiculously cheap compared to the cost at Amazon and elsewhere (student discount, heh heh), plus thanks to California's lawsuit again Microsoft a couple of years ago, I have vouchers for $180 off on top of that.

I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone have the suite vs. individual programs, any differences or problems? I'm running XP Pro with plenty of power so I'm not worried about that.

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I only understood a few words of what you guys are talking about. :embarasse

Beth, I bet you will do some awesome things with that program.

And Grumpy, you know how to install a motherboard? I knew you were amazing behind that grumpy facade. What's a motherboard? Hee hee...JK

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OMG- you're right, that is a ridiculously low price for the software. I would get it for PS and Illustrator alone- they are the gold standard for photo editing. Granted, I don't even know how to do a quarter of the stuff I could do with PS... but I learned enough from our graphic design guys at work to do what I have to do!

I am lucky- I have PS and Acrobat licenses for work, so I didn't have to pay out of pocket.

Oh and grumpy- I am a computer geek too! :highfive: The only original piece of my computer now is the actual case and the original hard drive is my backup drive. It's addicting!! Now I want a new notebook- but I'm thinking twice about it because I can't piece-meal it like I can a desktop. :undecided I have a notebook but it's SUPER old, and not good for much more that a paperweight at this time.

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I know the feeling about the notebook, but you can still do a tad little bit to them, but not much. I had an old Acer Travelmate that I tore completely apart, upgraded the processor, memory and cooling. I airbrushed the case in House of Kolors automotive paint, in a color changing chameleon that went from purple to green. I sold it before Xmas ($350 more than what I gave for it 3 years ago.) and bought myself a new Dell notebook. When I did the order for the Dell, I added the option of the snap on cover, so maybe I'll do a custom cover for it later when the weather warms up. ;)

Sorry to hijack.

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That is a great price! I have used most of those programs professionally (in my former life) but realistically for web and print design I used exclusively PS. I did my layouts in PS instead of indesign and graphically I made everything in PS not illustrator. You can save and open acrobat files in PS and I was not a huge fan of any Adobe web instruments. Well thats not entirely true, back in ye olden days I did use pagemill (pagemaker?) to get around hand writing some scrips.

I guess what I am trying to say is that even now I could not live without PS but the rest? Feh.

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Thanks guys, sounds like I can't go wrong. I know there's some stuff in the suite I won't use, but at the price I can't pass it by.

Grumpy, it's been a few years since I built my last PC, things have changed and I've fallen out of the 'know' a bit, but still think it'd be fun to build another one. Oh, screw that, I'll just have you do it. (And I LOVE Odie!!)

I have 2 Gb RAM, might upgrade if it seems a bit slow. I hate slow.

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Oh I'm jealous! I love it love it love it! But I'd like to get some additional pieces of the PS that I didn't load up on before. My previous job had licenses too and wanted my home PC to have it. Bummer that I didn't snag all the pieces I could.

Web design is where I'd want to go with it all.


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