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Suppliers close to home

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Hello everyone,

I have been using BC for wax, fo and am very happy with their products and service but want to lower expenses (shipping). I live on the Florida gulf coast directly below Alabama and could drive to Alabaster when visiting family. Does anyone use them? Would it be worth it to try and switch to save on costs or should I stick w/ what I'm happy with? Would I need to start over and retest everything if I switch suppliers? I know this is a lot of questions. Thanks for any replies.

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Having not used Alabaster yet, if you pick up, do you have to file your tax ID number with them since technically you're in state? I'm guessing so... unless maybe you could place the order online and then pick up? But then again, you're supposed to be charged taxes based on where the items are actually delivered TO, which puts you needing to bring your info with tax ID with you when you pick up- right?

Alabaster is on my way to my inlaw's new house in Pensacola.... (I already have people picking up for me all over when they go out of town lolol)...


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I talked to them on the phone today and told me I do not need a state tax id number since I live in Florida. They recommended using J223 and 464. I am not familiar with these but I think the J223 is a 50/50 blend and 464 is 100%soy. Does anyone know if the 464 behaves like ezsoy? Thanks

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