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How is my soap recipe?


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I'd drop the castor down. I use it at 5-10% in all batches.

Me too. But if you don't, keep in mind it'll be on the "stickier" side for a little bit, but it'll harden up. I don't see a difference beyond 10%.

I'd drop that grapeseed oil down to 10% also, but that's just me. My preference is to keep the shortlife oils to 10% or less (and grapeseed is 3-6 months shelflife).

With your bubbly and creamy numbers, your lather will be more creamier than bubbly, esp when using with just your hands, so if you want more bubbles, use a poof.

It does look like a great recipe though. Have fun.:yay:

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I am not sure if the oil shelf life is valid anymore after its been soaped.

Robin can you maybe chime in here and let me know if this is true?

Also Suzanne just made her first bar using25% castor, try pming her and ask what it feels like.


I think your recipe sounds like it should be tried out. the only way to know for sure is to soap it and use it. maybe only start with a 2lb oil batch.

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Hmmmmm.. I thought my ears were burning!!! :laugh2:

My second batch is the same percentage for the castor.

I just tried a small piece of the first batch before posting..there is still a tad of tingle left...:whistle:

but other than that... It's really nice. My hands feel lovely and smooth. I've got loads of creamy lather, and it doesn't seem to be too drying, but at this time of year, it's hard to tell for me! I wash my hands about 100 times a day!! The recipe I used will be great for summer use!!

I think for my next batch, (I'm gonna buy a SB first)I'll bring down the castor as Eugenia suggests, and up my olive oil, or the shea???.. I haven't run it through the calc yet, but I'll see what it does.. I'll play mad scientist again later on today!! :bliss: *getdown* :yes:

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I don't think shelf life would be an issue if you didn't superfat at all (use the zero amount when choosing your lye discount).

But considering a 4-5% lye discount, the soap does have free oils in them and IMO, those free oils still have the same shelf life, so precautions do need to be taken, previously to using the oil and after the soap is made, in addition to making the soap (proper storage of short shelf life oils, storing soap properly and not out in the open, using a more conservative amt of short shelf life oils, using additives to prevent rancidity, etc).

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I don't think shelf life would be an issue if you didn't superfat at all (use the zero amount when choosing your lye discount).

But considering a 4-5% lye discount, the soap does have free oils in them and IMO, those free oils still have the same shelf life, so precautions do need to be taken, previously to using the oil and after the soap is made, in addition to making the soap (proper storage of short shelf life oils, storing soap properly and not out in the open, using a more conservative amt of short shelf life oils, using additives to prevent rancidity, etc).

Rebecca, I agree entirely. The shorter shelf life oils are more prone to DOS in larger percentages. Smaller percentages don't have the same effect, so why tempt fate? I do like some short life oils like sunflower, but I keep them at 10% for good measure. I've never lost a batch to DOS in almost 4 years.


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