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Any reviews of Daystars PREMIUM oils in wax?


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Searched the threads but came up blank. Just wondering if anyone has tested her Premium Oils in wax (I use J223) and has any reviews. Do you use less of these oils like you do WYW oils? Been curious about these and can only seem to find info on B&B application. Thanks so much!

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I've tried her Carnival Crush and I think her Vanilla Bean Noel is in the premium line. Both are great in C-3. I have to go back and take a look at her premium oils. I use so many of them. I can't keep track. I'll get back with you!

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I use alot of her FOs in candles. I use my regular amt in most of them. Blkberry Jam Btr Cookies is strong, I use less of it. I would not compare them to WYW in strength, but they are so GREAT my customers love them. Just test for yourself, I like strong FOs. Carole

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