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Total Frustration with Supplier


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Hi all:

I wanted to go in to melt and pour soap to piggyback on my lotion bar business. In preperation for this, I placed a large mold order on 12/26 so that I could work over the Christmas break when my husband was home. Turns out by some error, my molds did not go out until 1/2 and finally arrived on 1/8 (They are shipping from a supplier in Canada). Yay! My molds were here and I was ready to melt and pour. Guess what? The molds were the wrong size. Much too large for what I wanted to do. So, I email the supplier. Oh, no problem, we'll send out the right molds right away, sorry for the error!

This was the 9th of January and I haven't seen my molds yet. I have emailed and been told "the mold have gone out a couple of days ago.." whatever that means. I am totally frustrated that I have been waiting over a month for my molds. And, unfortunately, despite me searching high and low over the internet, this is the ONLY place I can find the molds with the Asian symbol on a tray in 2 oz size.

I just wanted to rant, because I was supposed to have a "grand opening" on the feb 1 and it looks like it ain't gonna happen. I don't want to knock the supplier publicly- they did say for me to keep the larger molds, but I needed the smaller molds, like yesterday. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whew! Thanks for "listening".

As a side note: Is there anywhere I can get Asian symbol molds, round 2 oz or so in a tray? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Being from Canada, of course I'm curious to know who it is, although I do understand that you don't want to bad mouth a supplier.

Although there is one supplier here in Canada, that should in no way be in business, and I'm wondering if it's not them! All I'll say is this particular company is in BC and they have outlets in the States and apparently are no better there! She has a notorious reputation of taking your money and not sending the goods!

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Well, they finally arrived today. It seems just when I've just given up that the package shows up. Ugh! But they're here, so that's what counts!

Thanks for all the suggestions on alternatives.

It probably was stuck in Customs, so what can you do?

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