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New to this board, ISO cantainer wax

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Hi everybody,

I am new to this board. I have been making candles for a little while now. Not anything serious. Just mostly for myself.

What I was wondering was and sorry if this is a repeat post.

I would like to know what is the best container wax and the source. I have four children and it seems like every year the gifts to the teachers get more expensive. I thought this year I would make all of the teachers some candles and maybe some tarts. I live in Middle Tennessee. Also, I am a chacha guide and if anyone wants to know more about it, I will be glad to talk to you guys. Just let me know. You can IM me on Yahoo at --kita309



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Container wax is a personal preference. After doing lots of research and testing and buying lots of equipment and samples, you will find the brand and supplier you like best. It takes time and money. Try searching on this site a bit more and you may find some suggestions.

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Hi Anna ~

Welcome to the board. YOu will find lots of useful info here about candlemaking. Your post made me giggle. I too have four children and started out wanting to make teacher gifts (got to be cheaper, right?) Well, it didn't quite work out that way. I've spent quite a bit (over $200) and am still trying to perfect my candle. :embarasse I"m sure others out there can vouch for this story. But the hobby is fun and I'm glad to have found this niche despite the initial cost. Just wanted to give you a heads up...

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For the first year that I was making candles, I didn't know this board existed. After I "discovered" it, I visited on occassion but only recently really started posting and utilizing the information here. It's a great place to start. The moral to my story is that recently I did a few searches on "the best container wax" and realized that the wax one person may love and have tons of success with may turn out to be my worst nightmare. I've finally found one that I think I can live happily ever after with but only time will tell. I suggest that you search the board, come up with a list of viable candidates and then start trying them. It helps if you can find a supplier close enough that you can save on shipping but from my experience sometimes it's worth having it shipped because there are some suppliers out there that just don't understand customer service.

And a word of warning: There is a strange species of bug out there and once it bites you, it will be very hard to stop buying fragrance oils etc. Just stay strong and maybe those teachers christmas presents will only cost a few hundred dollars.

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