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M&P Soap: Is Sticky Normal?


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Hi all, I've been making M&P soaps using several bases. It's only been a couple of days, but they feel sticky. I have only melted the base, added FO (.5 oz per pound) and color. They come out of the mold feeling sticky. I am wondering if this is normal and if it'll change in time?

BTW, the honey base seems to be the stickiest.

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When I first started experimenting with m&p a few years ago, I got the stuff at Michaels. It was a little sticky from what I recall. What kind are you using? I get no stickiness from SFIC or Stephenson's.

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I got if from BCN. I have since heard some negative things about their bases. So maybe that's the problem. I'll get some of the SFIC at Peak's that I've been hearing so much about. Maybe that'll be different.

Thanx, hadn't considered that the base quality might be a factor!

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You know, I wondered the same thing! I'm really new on the M&P circuit and ordered (what I thought was) three 1 pound blocks of Silk & Shea M&P from Jody's Soap & Creations.

Now, I fully understand M&P comes in larger (24lb?) blocks and they may or may not be cutting off my 1 pound hunks. What I got, however, was a 3 pound wedge of something. There was NO label on it and it was in.....get this....a white Walmart bag! And not even a clean one either! There was dirt and what I think was grass stuck to my wedge o'soap. I was not a happy girl. But what threw me was that it was sticky. Or moreso....tacky. (Of course the dirt stuck to it well!)

What's a girl to do? So, I took a tater peeler to the entire outside of that wedge. :lipsrseal Still tacky. I tried to grate the soap....just cuz I wanted to... and that didn't work well either. But I did get my Green Clover and Aloe soap made and while I like it....it still seems a bit tacky/greasy, even the un-tested bars.

I have ordered the sampler pack of soaps from SFIC....should be here tomorrow or Wednesday...and if those go well, I'm just gonna order from Peak's! I will not, however, order M&P stuff from Jody's again. Live and Learn!


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You know, I wondered the same thing! I'm really new on the M&P circuit and ordered (what I thought was) three 1 pound blocks of Silk & Shea M&P from Jody's Soap & Creations.

Now, I fully understand M&P comes in larger (24lb?) blocks and they may or may not be cutting off my 1 pound hunks. What I got, however, was a 3 pound wedge of something. There was NO label on it and it was in.....get this....a white Walmart bag! And not even a clean one either! There was dirt and what I think was grass stuck to my wedge o'soap. I was not a happygirl.But what threw me was that it was sticky. Or moreso....tacky. (Of course the dirt stuck to it well!)

What's a girl to do? So, I took a tater peeler to the entire outside of that wedge. :lipsrseal Still tacky. I tried to grate the soap....just cuz I wanted to... and that didn't work well either. But I did get my Green Clover and Aloe soap made and while I like it....it still seems a bit tacky/greasy, even the un-tested bars.

I have ordered the sampler pack of soaps from SFIC....should be here tomorrow or Wednesday...and if those go well, I'm just gonna order from Peak's! I will not, however, order M&P stuff from Jody's again. Live and Learn!Donna

Ugh! I was reading this w/ a twisted "yuck" look on my face! Did you call Jody/soap & things before you tried to "fix" it? I've never ordered from her so I really can't say yea or nay, but I'm a b**ch when it comes to my money & I definitely wouldn't let it go without a word to her.

PM'd ya also!


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You know, I wondered the same thing! I'm really new on the M&P circuit and ordered (what I thought was) three 1 pound blocks of Silk & Shea M&P from Jody's Soap & Creations.

Now, I fully understand M&P comes in larger (24lb?) blocks and they may or may not be cutting off my 1 pound hunks. What I got, however, was a 3 pound wedge of something. There was NO label on it and it was in.....get this....a white Walmart bag! And not even a clean one either! There was dirt and what I think was grass stuck to my wedge o'soap. I was not a happy girl. But what threw me was that it was sticky. Or moreso....tacky. (Of course the dirt stuck to it well!)

What's a girl to do? So, I took a tater peeler to the entire outside of that wedge. :lipsrseal Still tacky. I tried to grate the soap....just cuz I wanted to... and that didn't work well either. But I did get my Green Clover and Aloe soap made and while I like it....it still seems a bit tacky/greasy, even the un-tested bars.

I have ordered the sampler pack of soaps from SFIC....should be here tomorrow or Wednesday...and if those go well, I'm just gonna order from Peak's! I will not, however, order M&P stuff from Jody's again. Live and Learn!


I too ordered from Jody's and I hate to bash anyone. My order was in a box that the tape was all falling off of it and was partially open. I ordered deodrant containers and quality was good, but they smelled like mold. They were in plastic trash bags so I didn't lose any. I counted! The fact that they stunk so bad I was concerned that my product would smell so I had to air them out for several months. They still have that musty smell. I emailed with my complaint and heard nothing. I too will not order because quality is everything from a supplier.

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I too ordered from Jody's and I hate to bash anyone. My order was in a box that the tape was all falling off of it and was partially open. I ordered deodrant containers and quality was good, but they smelled like mold. They were in plastic trash bags so I didn't lose any. I counted! The fact that they stunk so bad I was concerned that my product would smell so I had to air them out for several months. They still have that musty smell. I emailed with my complaint and heard nothing. I too will not order because quality is everything from a supplier.

Yeah, being new to the forum, I didn't want to bash either. My box was also falling apart. They reused a box from somewhere else. I have absolutley NO problem w/ reusing a box....saves the environment....I do have a problem when they have cut that box into pieces and then taped it to make a new one and it's falling apart! Yeah....the Walmart bag....the garbage bag....so un-professional. I also got her lotion base sampler...and those were packaged very nice in a ziploc. I also ordered two B&B liquid dyes....one came with a label and one did not. Hmmmm. LOL.

Sharon (I replied to your PM!)....You know, I didn't bother to email Jody's with a complaint. I had placed the order on Thursday night....and the website and auto responder email said 3 business days. On the Wednesday (the 18th), I emailed to see if it had shipped, since it was 4 business days later. No reply. On Thursday early AM, I get an email that it shipped Thursday. Well...YEAH!. And then I get an automated email that it shipped on Friday. Huh? First you don't reply, then you reply and say one thing but do another? Yeah....even if the items had been fantabulous....she lost my business right there!

I did get the SFIC bases today....and they aren't sticky at all. At least not the ones I unwrapped and fondled. :laugh2:


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Yeah, being new to the forum, I didn't want to bash either. My box was also falling apart. They reused a box from somewhere else. I have absolutley NO problem w/ reusing a box....saves the environment....I do have a problem when they have cut that box into pieces and then taped it to make a new one and it's falling apart! Yeah....the Walmart bag....the garbage bag....so un-professional. I also got her lotion base sampler...and those were packaged very nice in a ziploc. I also ordered two B&B liquid dyes....one came with a label and one did not. Hmmmm. LOL.

Sharon (I replied to your PM!)....You know, I didn't bother to email Jody's with a complaint. I had placed the order on Thursday night....and the website and auto responder email said 3 business days. On the Wednesday (the 18th), I emailed to see if it had shipped, since it was 4 business days later. No reply. On Thursday early AM, I get an email that it shipped Thursday. Well...YEAH!. And then I get an automated email that it shipped on Friday. Huh? First you don't reply, then you reply and say one thing but do another? Yeah....even if the items had been fantabulous....she lost my business right there! I did get the SFIC bases today....and they aren't sticky at all. At least not the ones I unwrapped and fondled. :laugh2:


Hmm, well...um...ok then...enjoy (?) LOL

I really like the SFIC bases, don't think anyone could get get me away from them...especially after reading some of the base horror stories here! As far as Jody is concerned, it's definitely your call, but I'd drop an e-mail anyway. I think suppliers should know when we're unhappy/unsatisfied as well as when we think they are the bomb! Hell, in my "perfect" world I really believe that they really do want to know either way! Who knows, she could have been having an "off " moment or maybe someone else did the packing & she's not even aware of the sh***y products you guys received & the way you received them. Just a thought...

OK, I let you carry on w/ your soap fetish :grin2:


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  • 11 months later...

I've never ordered soap from anywhere else except peaks and cierra and love the bases from both. Honey base is supposed to be slightly sticky because it has 10% honey. Unless where you live is extremely humid than no bases should be sticky. I will say also that glycerin bases are slightly sticky as well but when I cut off a sliver it was liek regular soap!

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