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c3 vs eco soya advanced

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Can anyone who has used these two waxes tell me which one they recommend? I just bought several boxes of both, the c-3 seems to frost alot, however I get an excellent scent throw. I just tried the Ecp soya advanced. It looks great, no frosting, however the scent throw is not as good.. could you mix these too? Just wondering.....

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what works for me is pour it around 120 to 130 tops i try for 125 and it is perfect everytime no frosting till after burn but you cant prevent that. also what dyes are you using i use evo dyes from candlewic they are made for soy. also when you do repours pour about the same temp. alot people say this is a hot pour wax but from all the testing i did this is not a hot pour . the key is when it looks like its getting alittle slushy its time to pour . also if you Fo has vanilla or cinn or patcholi in it i use a US additive . Good luck and let me know how it goes

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well, i can say I have done alittle testing and i just cant seem to get over the hump of liking the way the eco advanced looks. It is almost effortless to make a beautiful looking candle. But I tried the same scents in c-3 and it looks bad but seems to smell so much stronger. I use eco dyes from northstar. FO from Lonestar and the jarstore, and I use the jars from the jarstore as well. They gave me wick recommendations and they seem to be working. I am not REAL sure about the melt pool issue. I would like to know what time frame I am looking for when it comes to melt pool......Any suggestions would be great! i work second shift, get off and work on this all night long!!! It is driving me crazy.....lol

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Yes, the throw from C-3 is phenomenal. But I couldn't get over the looks either... I'm thinking it would make AWESOME dipped "stuff" because of the amazing cold throw. I have some sugar cookie dipped (drizzled?) pinecones from Thanksgiving in my living room that are still STRONG. I would recommend this wax for critters and 'cones and tarts all day long! I didn't like the bubbles when burning- it was crazy. And I didn't like how high I had to wick with it.


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C-3 IS a hot pour wax. It is also, for the very best tops, a two pour wax. I've been using it scince it came out and I have always poured at 180 but I also DO two pours, allowing the first pour to set up for at least 10 hours before doing the second pour. If you absolutely can not live with frosting, remove all colr from the equation. Problem solved.

The other thing to keep in mind is that there WILL be frosting when you pour in a cold place like a basement. I DO pour in a cold basement but my customers LOVE the frosting. They learned it had nothing at all to do with the burning or the throw of the scent. Since I wasn't changing my ways of making candles, they were forced to change their thinking about frosting.


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i cant stand frosting so thats why i pour at 125 and i dont get any frosting and the cold and hot throw is great. ive poured hot and had no luck what so ever so i guess its different for everybody but since you pour hot sky i thought i would let you know what works for me. Frosting to me just dont look good but people dont mind it but i do.

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