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New from Ireland


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Hi guys,

First time here and newto all this. Looking to start setting up a small candle business in Ireland but having problems in locating suppliers here. Anyone from ireland who would now any that supply waxes etc. Shippinng costs a fortune to Ireland

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Hi and welcome to the boards!:wave: I believe we have several members from England and I hope they can help you out!

Again welcome and make yourself at home here. Do you already make candles? If you don't, there is the very long process of learning how and then all of the testing.

The best advice I can offer you right now, that is totally free, is grab a fresh notebook, go to the very first page of these boards, way in the back, hit page 1 of each section, and start reading. The questions and answers will help you decide many things in the long run:

What wax you want to use.

What type of Jar

coloring and so forth.

I read these boards for nearly a month before posting and I learn so much by just reading in all of the different sections.

Learn to use the search feature on the boards and just read for a few days. Whatever questions you can think of can already be answered if you do a search.


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Hi & welcome.

I agree with fire and ice, I was sick over Christmas and had just discovered this board, and spent 3 days in bed with a laptop going through the archives. It will give you an idea of what you are getting into, what kind of wax to look for, and will even give you answers to questions that you hadn't come up with yet.

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Hi Shauny

Welcome to the board. We are a candlemaker based in Co. Clare and yes the shipping is crazy from the USA. Here are some links to try for suppliers in the UK.




Hope they can be some help. One tip if you are ordering from the states and shipping is UPS, make sure you fill the boxes because there is a charge of about $80 per box whether it has 1lb or 26lbs (max) the price goes up with every LB but the avarage per LB is much lower when the box is full.

All the best


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