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Need lots of help!

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I need lots of help, I am new to makeing candles and have made about 20. Some turn out great, with a few bubbles and little sinking, but how many times can you remelt and repore a candle? I seems like every time i repore a candle it looks worce then the last. i am making container candles. I am not sure on the size of the wick , or the kind of wax: sence it was sent in a starter kit. My candles either turn white on top or have lots of bubbles.

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Without even knowing the type of wax it will be very hard for anyone to make suggestions. Where did you get the kit from? Can you contact them to see if you are using soy or parafin, and what type/size wicks etc. Also, let us know more about how you are making your candles, do you pour your wax hot, slushy, whatever. The more info you can give the better people will be able to help you.

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I know it is soy wax , however not sure on wicks though. I have tried to pore hot, and slushy and tried also to cover it with box so it can cool slowly. i have tried to poke holes in wax around wick and heat tops to repore nothing helps i heat wax either in microwave, oven, or het gun. i am running out of ideas and patience.

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Don't worry too much about the white right now, that's common with soy; it could also be the coating on your wick melting and showing up on the top. Where did you get your kit? The supplier should list which wax is used; if not someone on here may know by the supplier used.

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The ebay listing says:

Our wax is Premium 100% pure natural one pour flaked soy C-3 wax0.GIF with a melt point of 125° F - 130° F designed for container candles. It is the Safest soy wax available with a 600° F flash point. It has excellent burn characteristics and the best scent throw. It comes in flake form which makes it easy to measure and dispense.

I've used C-3, and it *is* a "real" wax. I got lots of frosting though and very bumpy tops with it. How hot are you pouring? I'm remembering pouring at 160-170 with this one...

And she doesn't state what type of wicks, but I'm willing to bet you could email and ask. Most likely either CD or HTP as they work better than LX with that wax.


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I use C3, and you definitely want to pour hot. I almost always get smooth tops, but I also occasionally get sink holes. Might want to try cooling slower or letting them cool at room temp. As for the wicks, I'd e-mail or call them and ask what they sent you.

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