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FO Settling to the Bottom

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It may but my imagination, but it seems like my FO in my candles (8oz Jelly Jar) is settling to the bottom. When I test burn the throw seems to get stronger as the candle gets closer and closer to the bottom.

Is there a way to prevent this? Or is it just my imagination?

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I guess I should have mentioned this in my original post but I do 2-3 minutes at time of adding FO to wax, and usually at least two more times and right before I pour at the slushy stage).

I thought maybe I should pour before slushy (although that gives me ugly tops and worse frosting) because when it gets slushy it's getting kind of "crytally" at the bottom. I wonder if I'm waiting until it's too slushy?

Don't get me wrong though, the top half of the candle still smells good but it just doesn't seem quite as strong.

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Hi. I think that if FO is mixed well, the reason might be that the jars are tapered some and as the candle burns down, the temperature of the melt pool increases slightly. As long as it isn't too hot, the throw seems to improve as the temp increases (up to a point of course). Don't know if it is true, but it seems logical (good ole Spock, lol). Beth

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Double check your temps when adding your FO, you may want to try adding the FOs at a higher temp. The FO has to bind with the soy...make sure that the thermometer is accurate. Most of them will vary 5-10 degrees...this can ruin your batch.

Also, the hotter at the end thing does sound logical, but may I also suggest that by the time you get to the end your candle has had that much more time to cure, thereby giving the FO and the wax more time to bind?

Lastly, is it possible that you should wick up one size so that there is more heat to produce a hotter melt pool?

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