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Opinions on Packaging


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Ugh! I planned on opening my website before Jan 5th, but circumstances aren't allowing me to do so--I am so behind in making product that it doesn't look like I'll ever get open before the 1st of Feb.

That being said, I also make a mistake on my lotion bar packaging. I ordered these really cute celtic knot hearts from Milky Way Molds. The hearts turned out beautifully, but they don't fit in the 4 oz shallow tins. I feel like such a :embarasse . I measured and checked dimensions, but oh well. I have 8 in shallow tins, but they seem so HUGE that it seems that no one would be able to carry them in their purse.

So my dilemma -- chuck the hearts and stick with the sunflowers (which fit perfectly and will go into the summer months) or go ahead and sell the hearts with the huge (4 in across) tins?

Thanks in advance - everyone here gives great food for thought and I really need any suggestions right now cuz I'm kind of stuck.:undecided

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I would say go with whatever fits the smaller tin, at least it will be easier to carry around then. Plus, i am partial to sunflowers because that is my business name, Sonflower Springs Specialty Shoppe, LOL!


P.S. Good luck on your website. I am trying to build mine, plus get product made.

Thanks Steph, you know how it is to try to do 20 million things at once!! I will go with the easily tinned ones - I was stuck on creating a variety of shapes/molds, but it will be easier for me right now to stick to one mold for the portable tin. Perhaps then I can market the massage bars with the "stay at home" tin.

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Sounds like a plan!

I have three boys 6 and under, so I am almost constantly doing 20 million things at once!


And I thought I was the only insane one here! I, too, have three boys 6 and under. My added joy is two of them have ADHD! Add a travelling husband on top of that, and two businesses, and I think I have the official mad house! LOL!

Sorry I can't add much on the topic. I make tons of lotion, but not lotion bars. However, I do make an awesome lip balm, which is similar, but totally different packaging wise.

Good luck! I've always thought the lotion bars packaged in the tins were so cute!

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And I thought I was the only insane one here! I, too, have three boys 6 and under. My added joy is two of them have ADHD! Add a travelling husband on top of that, and two businesses, and I think I have the official mad house! LOL!

Sorry I can't add much on the topic. I make tons of lotion, but not lotion bars. However, I do make an awesome lip balm, which is similar, but totally different packaging wise.

Good luck! I've always thought the lotion bars packaged in the tins were so cute!

I think the tins look good too, and they got a great response at my first ever "show". I am just going to stick with what works, searching out more 2 oz molds which are circular and about 3 in diam. The snowflake Life of the Party molds (I think) work really well, as well as the round massage bar mold. I have to mind whether I want to focus on one mold or a variety of molds.

OT: I have three little ones under four!!

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