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Has anyone ever signed up with Internet Corporation Listing Service.Is it legal?I see a website for them and seems fine but then I read where they are fraud. I got something in the mail and signed for a year but before I did I checked out the site.SEEMED OK.Only last week would they have got the check.I thought I would go online again. Now I read when I looked it up it is fraud and PO is checking into this.Any Help???It says it hooks you to 14 of the major search engines.LynnS

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This site has a LOT of info about SEO. ( Search Engine Optimization )

http://searchenginewatch.com/ I highly recommend it.

I looked at the website for Internet Corporation Listing Service http://icls.net/

Looks like a huge rip-off to me. I dunno if anything they are doing is illegal, but it's definitely not worth paying for! :undecided

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I know it doesn't look good.Strange but I did look them up before I sent payment and the website looked good.Then looked after seemed questionable and see bad stuff.What I read(bad vibes) seems like this was not a new post but sure didn't show up first time.So now back to trying to look for "search engines".I see gobs but now don't trust any.Not unless I got straight to msn, yahoo, google.LynnS

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Strange but I did look them up before I sent payment and the website looked good.Then looked after seemed questionable and see bad stuff.What I read(bad vibes) seems like this was not a new post but sure didn't show up first time.
I have had this happen to me before (but for a different company on a different matter unrelated to candles). I think it might be due to those complaints pages not having been indexed right away, so even though the posts weren't brand new, there were there all along, and just not visible in a search unless you know the exact URL to type.
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sudswicks.I agree I missed it the first time.There but didn't show up when I needed it.So just whipped out my checkbook and mailed payment.When I look back I think I got something from them last year but didn't have a site yet.So when things like this come in the mail and reasonable then BUYER BEWARE.Just amazing they still have the gull to have such (what looks like a legit site) and be fraud.IMO they should be ousted.I bet if we candlemakers were frauds we wouldn't have a site long.Really I am a very cautious human being.Ran into alot of people I don't think are truthful and shady and they are avoided.But this got me fooled.At least it is out here on the Board.Also look how many more are getting ripped off.I will see what I can do but likely nothing.LynnS

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From my knowledge, search engine submission sites are for the most part passe'. They did serve a purpose in the 20th century, but the bazillions of search engines have either been bought out or just stopped.

Now, the majority of the most used search engines use web crawler/robots to index web sites. The most used are of course Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista, and AOL's engines.

Most of the less used engines such as About, Askjeeves, etc. will find your site either by being affiliated with one of the bigger ones, or straight up returning the bigger ones results, or by seeing your site listed on another engine.

The keys to getting results with higher listings (page 1 instead of page 23) has to do with not only your meta tags (these are not used by some web crawlers), but also how many times your meta-tag keywords are in the web page. For instance, if one of your keywords is "votives" and you have votives 15 times on your web page, good. If you only have it once, that is not as good. This is why sometime when you go to a web site, you may see a bunch of keywords at the top and bottom of the page, sometimes listed a whole bunch of times. Some web crawlers ignore pages that have this type of "search engine spam".

Another way to get higher rankings for your page is to have your link as many places as you can on the net. Then when the web crawlers go to those sites, they will follow the link to your page. This may be where using a search engine submission site will help. The smaller engines will get your site, then the bigger engines will see that when they "crawl" the net.

And then, to get high listings on some engines, if you give them $$$ = higher ranking, such as Google Adwords :(

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Another way to get higher rankings for your page is to have your link as many places as you can on the net. Then when the web crawlers go to those sites, they will follow the link to your page. This may be where using a search engine submission site will help. The smaller engines will get your site, then the bigger engines will see that when they "crawl" the net.

And then, to get high listings on some engines, if you give them $$$ = higher ranking, such as Google Adwords :(

Thanks for reiterating what I have been preaching for a good long time :D Well, all except the parts about SEO. Meta tags, blah blah blah.. most all of that IMO, has boiled down to nothing but a way for some folks to make a few more bucks. The very best SEO = FIO (Fork It Over) :D

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