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Bumble Bee's

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Thought I would share a candle that our group at Kids Craft Camp made this week. It is hard to come up with a candle project where they can do more than just make the candle and this one seemed to fit the bill. They enjoyed painting the head, cutting the wings and adding the antenna's.

Every bee looked a little different, lol.



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Thanks! We held two groups over this Christmas break, one was 7-9's and the other 10-12's. Most projects were the same for the two groups and it was nice to be able to do that. Quite often we have a younger group, 5 and up and the projects (of all types, not just candlemaking) have to be geared more towards them and then a second set of projects for the older ones. This made this set of classes much easier on us! LOL


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Thanks everyone, the kids seem to like them too!

Well those jars, I must confess to being a compulsive collector of supplies, lol. Not just candle supplies but anything that I think can be used "sometime", :embarasse , we have a whole room in the shop dedicated to these items! I bought a few cases of these a few yrs. ago from our glass supplier with no particular use in mind. (They are actually a votive holder, very heavy glass with the inner part being straight up and down, not curved like the outer portion of the glass and exactly votive cup size, so they work well with votives.)

To me they looked like a beehive of sorts and the idea went from there.

We charge very little for our kids camps and I try to use up items that are inexpensive or that we have hung onto for a long time. Any candles or soap or b and b we do are probabaly the most expensive, wood working projects, mosaics, scrapbooking etc all consist of the scraps we have around from other projects. I really love to teach the kids, each group is so different and it is amazing how they put there own spin on things without fear, not like us adults that usually follow patterns and directions to a the letter, lol.

We have one more class today and I will tell the kids how much you all liked the bee's!


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