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I was just wondering how everyone measures the amount of FO to put in their gel to get the correct amount each time...once your testing phase is complete.

I heard some say they do it by weight...some by volume...some I've talked with at craft shows say they really get confused because ...like ounces can be either weight or volume...

So which do you prefer.....scales or measured cups and eyedroppers.


I've found that whether it's making candles or b&b weighing your fo's it the best way. Some fo's are heavier by weight than others so you want an accurate measurement. JMHO


Wax is measured by weight so to keep thing accurate then you should always weigh your FO. The reason being is specific gravity weight everything has a different specific gravity weight and not all FO have the same weight versus volume. Wax is the same I believe 1 lb of paraffin wax is approximately 20 oz liquid volume. Soy is 18 oz. BW is the only wax I know of that volume matches weight in oz per oz.


Lavender FO weight ounce is one but volume might be 1.2 oz.

but another FO say Red Hots weight ounce is one but volume might only be .87 oz.


Gotta agree, everything we do is by weight and often by grams as it is more accurate.

LOL, Vickie your right! Unless your in Canada, :grin2: 1 lb. of paraffin and as well as gel is equivelant to aprox. 18 oz. by volumn, just in case thier is a Canuck or two reading this.


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