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Ok you caught me I am a perfectionist, disgustingly so (and a bit paranoid too!) And I don't want to add a bunch of additives to my soy wax, so I could learn to live with it (what choice do I have?!) but I don't want to!! Wah!

I'd love to try frosted glass but I can't find a supplier that is affordable enough and close enough to where I live. I think frosted glass is super pretty!

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But I worry that even though my candles are as good (if not better ;) ) as the next persons, I'm afraid if the person has a choice between my candles (have some frosting) and the next guys (has none) they'll go for the pretty ones regardless of the quality. Am I being overly paranoid?

I would say no..

Been watching this thread and I agree you can try to educate everyone, but not everyone will listen. Appearance means a lot to people.

You can tell them it is a natural bloom, will they listen.. maybe, or maybe not. There will be people who just won't buy it because of the frosting.

Isn't this why we dye our candles, for appearance.

To make a more eye catching product for consumers.

I personally think the frosting looks horrible, (IMO)

How could I expect my customers to embrace it if I couldn't.

So I went dye free.

It's like trying to educate consumers about how to burn a candle properly.

You will always have power burners who complain about soot,

people who blow out their candles and then complain they smoke, etc.. etc.

You will always have people complain about the frosting too!!

So I chose to eliminate it..

Dye free or frosted glass for me!! (IMHO):wink2: One less problem to worry about.

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My boyfriend (and 'business' partner) would only buy colored candles, he says white is boring. So I guess maybe I have to just learn to deal with the fact that I won't be able to please all people all the time. I hate the frosting, he hates the lack of color, what's a girl to do?

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Ok you caught me I am a perfectionist, disgustingly so (and a bit paranoid too!) And I don't want to add a bunch of additives to my soy wax, so I could learn to live with it (what choice do I have?!) but I don't want to!! Wah!

I'd love to try frosted glass but I can't find a supplier that is affordable enough and close enough to where I live. I think frosted glass is super pretty!

Hey Kelly, www.fancycandlejars.com has good prices on frosted and they are in IL...however they have a lot of out of stocks right now. Otherwise www.candlecocoon.com in Madison, WI has frosted...costs a little more...but maybe close enough to pick up and avoid shipping? HTH

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They [Candle Cocoon] are no longer in Madison. They moved to New Glarus, which is still close enough I could drive to if I ever got some time off work. My boyfriend and I spent about an hour one day trying to track their building down, only to find out it was completely empty.

I'll check out the IL link though! Hopefully they'll get restocked soon.

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I've started doing my glass jars dye free with a ribbon the color the scent would be. I am doing travel tins that ARE dyed since the sides don't matter if they're frosty... I have the clear top tins so you can still see the colors. I also hate frost and try to avoid it at all costs (so far so good on my Merlot wine candle-tester in a Libbey wine glass- with 464 and liquid dyes, poured at 145- my C-3 would have been bloomin' everywhere by now).


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My boyfriend (and 'business' partner) would only buy colored candles, he says white is boring. So I guess maybe I have to just learn to deal with the fact that I won't be able to please all people all the time. I hate the frosting, he hates the lack of color, what's a girl to do?

And see I think colored candles are tacky and the creamy white of uncolored is classic and upmarket. Go figure. We're all different!


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I think so too, especially those that have a soft beautful label with an elegant font. But I don't think I'd be able to convince my boyfriend of that. Problem is I only use Jelly Jars for the most part and I personally think it's hard to make a Jelly Jar look elegant.

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I get my jars from The jar store. Some people don't care for them because when you call to inquire about the jars you get the MAJOR sales pitch, but they are cheap and have done well for me for the past couple of years. I will probably be switching over to Anchor-Hocking when I run out though so that I can support an American Co., rather than China.


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I think so too, especially those that have a soft beautful label with an elegant font. But I don't think I'd be able to convince my boyfriend of that. Problem is I only use Jelly Jars for the most part and I personally think it's hard to make a Jelly Jar look elegant.

not to create a lovers quarrel....but is he making and pouring the candles as well? or is it just you? what part of the "business" is he doing? If you are the one making the candles, then personally he should support your decision and you make them! My wife and I don't always see eye to eye with this, especially with soy, however she supports me whatever decision I make since I am the one who is making them.


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Chris, well I pour them, and I have threatened that he needs to learn if he wants them his way, but at the same time, I value his opinion. As much as I hate to say it, mine probably isn't right all the time (just most of the time). He is an equal partner in the business though, he does the website, sales, and all the crap I hate to do. I do the bookkeeping and pouring (and some website design). Oh and I do all the testing too. I'm the creative one and he's the brains.

I guess it's probably more of a 60/40 type thing but that's ok because right now he works more hours than I do at the 'real' job. That will change soon since I've taken a promotion and will be working more hours myself.

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