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I would like to try my luck at tart making to include in my primitives store that I will be opening. I have read all the information on the site ( or at least as much as possible) and I would like to know if there is a set of instructions for making and pouring wax tarts, cause I haven't seen anything directly explaining that process. Also I thought of also doing container candles with rustic lids... Does anyone know where I can find those? And one last question, does anyone know the recipe for making scented room sprays?? Please help!!!

Oh... one more thing... Which suppliers have the best waxes and fragrances??



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It seems you are trying to make 3 different products. I am new at this also and have been testing for over a month just trying to get the container candle down and still having trouble. Maybe you should just focus on one thing at a time. It takes alot more research and testing than you think (or atleast than I would have ever thought) Good Luck!

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I agree ... one thing at a time. IMO, making tarts would be a good place to start. Here's how I make mine:

KY para-soy votive/tart wax (www.kycandlewaxsupply)

1.5oz of fo to 1 lb. of wax

candle dye (if desired)

Directions: Heat wax to approx. 165 degrees, add color (stir well), add fragrance (stir well), pour into molds at about 155-160 degrees. Cool completely, pop out of molds. If mold release is a problem, just put them in freezer for just a few minutes and the tarts will come right out.

Off the top of my head ... some of the suppliers that I use for fo's are KY, TN, Flickers, Wildfire, Candlescience, Cajun, Daystar ... if you do a search, you will get tons of info on good suppliers.

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I understand that I am new and I have a lot to learn, and that's why I'm asking questions. I don't think it's very nice to pick fun. I respect all of you for your experience and knowledge and that's why I asked for your help, but it seems like you don't really want to help out the novices. I have read several posts where some people have been very impatient with us newbies. I do apologize if I offended anyone by asking my questions.

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Sorry, crow, but you seemed to want everything fed to you. There are literally pages of posts on tarts - what wax, how much FO, how to pour without making a mess, storing, wrapping and labeling. Then you ask for suppliers of jars of which there are several posts (best bet is to find a supplier near you as shipping is a b*tch). ...and the best wax and FO? You will get several thousand different opinions on this. There is an entire forum dedicated to fragrances!

There are red sticky threads at the top of each forum. They have great info for newbies like how to use the search, lists of suppliers by state, how-to questions, what abbreviations mean.

and spagirl had some really good advice...pick one thing, perfect it, then move to something else.

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Well, I apologize if I jumped right in, but I posted that when I had just found the forum and guess I got a little excited. I have been spending the last several days combing these forums for any advise and there is so much and so many different opinions, that I guess you are right in that I will just have to figure is out on my own... and as I have seen about a million times before on these boards... TETS, TEST, TEST.

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