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Grrr ~ Wick Stick Ums!

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I used to have problems with wick stickums not staying stuck and coming loose when I'm bending them over the wick centering tool just before pouring. I found it happened when I was wicking a jar straight out of the box. Add to that, I keep my jars in my basement, which is cooler than the upstairs. What I have done to fix that is just give the jars a quick wash and dry, and make sure the jar is somewhat warm when setting the wick. They stick every time! I have had to remove the leftover wick tab with pliers after test burning a candle down to nothing, that's how well they stick for me.

HTH! geek

The only time I've had them come lose is when I've not washed the jar. I always wash and thoroughly dry the jars before I wick them.

I get my wick stickers from www.thecandlemakersstore.com


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I've always used BC's wick stickums up until I switched waxes and they starting coming loose on almost every jar. We were painfully washing the jars also. I read about the GE Silicone II here and picked up some, let me tell you this stuff is amazing! We don't have to wash jars anymore saving a huge amount of prep time. We figured out it works great for sealant on pillar molds also.

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Kelly, I find my clear silicone on the store isle (at the hardware store) with the bathroom caulk. Home Depot has the stuff in the paint section. I think the black stuff is for automotive use. GE Silicone II works real well like some else had posted. But remember, once you get it "stuck" it is a real bugger to remove if you want to reuse the jar. Once it is stuck, it is stuck! There may be a trick to removing the tab that I don't know about. It doesn't take that long for the silicone to set up. I put my jars in the oven set as low as it will go for something like 15 minutes or so. I've never had one come loose-knock on wood. BTW I don't wash my jars before applying the silicone. I'm just lazy I guess.

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I use the silicone to glue the tabs permanently. Use wick tabs when testing so they can be removed easily. Use to use high temp hot glue but when I changed jars the glue would not hold. These new jars have a curved bottom and when the glue would become warm it would slip to the side. Worked great when the jars were flat. Maybe that's the problem.

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Once it is stuck, it is stuck! There may be a trick to removing the tab that I don't know about.

Finger nail polish remover. It is very rare that I have to unstick one, but if I do, I put just enough in the bottom to coat the silicone and then it will turn kind of goopy. Then I use some needle nose pliers and pull them off and scrape out the goop. Of course then wash the remover out. :grin2:

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