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Resource for wick info?

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Does anyone know of a website or something that can help me to learn more about the characteristics of different types of wicks? Of course I read the suppliers recommendations, but I'm trying to get a better understanding about how hot they burn, and any thing else that will help me match the wax to the right wick. At least just for the starting points. I test everything, but when I try a new wax I'd like to actually understand why a certain wick would be a good choice. I've seen the chart at www.wicksunimited.com . But still not quite what I need. Appriciate any help here. Thanks. :smiley2:

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Thanks for those links, candleran. I too have been stumped by the different wick properties. (even after doing some testing and reading up on the subject on the web and here)!

I didn't see anything on the links about which wicks burn a hotter flame and which burn a less hot flame. Do you or anyone else out there know the answer to that one? TIA...

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Hillary, Just to let you know you spelled the link wrong and it will not work. Here it is corrected http://www.wicksunlimited.com/candle_wicks.php

Ooops. Thanks.

I guess all the info is out there, it's just all over the place. I also have scoured the archives. I still have so many questions about this stuff though. Like the ROC- would I use that (from the chart) and the melt point of the wax to determine which wick type to use? I'm not trying to get out of testing, just trying to have a better understanding. I know all this makes sense somehow. Lol.....Gmp-we'll figure this out-:wink2:

Anyway, thanks for the replies. I appriciate the help.

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Hiliary, are you finding that many of these "wick charts" (not the ones that try to match jar size/wick size/wax type, but the ones that list wick properties) on the web don't give pros and cons to each wick type? They all seem to be great, but I don't always get the whole picture. That's what's got me stumped. I'm having a hard time filtering all of it b/c of this. I even have bought samples of RRD, LX, Zinc, and HTP's and tried them.

What I have found so far is that the Zincs mushroom quite a bit, and sometimes the metal is exposed during burning (not very attractive). The HTP's curl as the burn, and the wick is self trimming, so two things happen. First the wick "trims" by falling into the wax in bits, so the wax is "dirty" or "sooty". Second, b/c of the curl, the flame is no longer centered, it becomes off center, and so the meltpool is off center. I tried twisting the wick as some suggested to help keep the flame centered, but did not have luck with that.

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I have the same issues with both the HTP's and the zincs. I wasn't happy with CD's either, I had way too much smoking. But it's hard to tell if it's the wick or the wax/wick combo causing this. I'd like to switch wax soon and I think I'll be trying eco's and LX's next. But, like you said, the charts don't really give you everything. I think I need to learn more about the burn rates or the wicks and melt temp of the wax. I think there must be something to that that will help me choose the right type. Where are all the scientists? Sombody has to know about that.....

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I'll second that! Where are all the scientists out there!

The LX's are not too bad, actually, but I still need to play with it more. I put everything on hold till after the holiday, so now I'm back to testing. I'm using 4630 wax for now, but am thinking about changing...but to what, I don't know yet!

Isn't this fun??

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