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Finally bit the bullet and ordered a slab of this wax and poured a few testers, 4 oz. j j's. I can't believe how pretty this wax is! However I'm having one little issue. No cold throw, none, zero, zip. Now, I know patience is required and two days may not be long enough, however I'm really one of those instant gratification kinda girls and this is really bumming me out. I normally use IGI4786 for my containers, perhaps I got used to immediate cold throw with that wax.

Anywho, heated to about 195, added FO (BCN Basil, Sage & Mint), stir stir stir, poured at about 170. They have been setting for two days and no scent at all.

I this just me? Am I going to open the jar and all of a sudden be blown away ?:embarasse

Thanks, Heather

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I have used 6006 for over 4 years and it has a fantastic cold throw as soon as it cools and lid put on. Use a lot of BCN oils, but have never tried Basil Sage Mint. How much FO did you use? What else do you have in FOs from Bitter Creek? 6006 IS a great wax. Carole

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I'm another one who has been testing in this wax for about 6 mos. I've been amazed at both the cold and hot throw from this. I barely wait 24 hrs when I'm trying to test wicks and get wonderful fragrance results. Have not tried the scent you mentioned, mssheddy.

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I used 1 oz pp. I am just now testing that FO as well. Have done a few palm pillars with it, they smell great cold. I get all of my oil's from BCN...never had an issue. I poured Wildberry Zinger Tea in the 6006 and cold throw is great with that...just wondering the the Basil Sage Mint is going to be a pain...might try 1.5 oz pp and see how that turns out.

Thanks for the input guys!


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Hmmm...maybe I'll try mixing in a bit of my 4786, see what that does. Thanks for the idea Alyce.

I'm holding out some hope that it is just that scent. It seems that the wildberry zinger and red hot cinnamon are doing well so far. They don't smell as strong as they do with my usual wax, but I suppose I'll have to find a bit of patience and just keep trying.


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