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Anybody else use ADM wax??

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Ok I am using ADM Soy wax with the recomended additive and having trouble the additive mixing in. (I guess that is what is wrong)

I read the thread from the old board about the testing of all the different soy and I began testing with that process and I am still having the same problem. I heat wax and additive together to 200 and I add my dye at 200 and then add my FO at 130 and pour. I even tryed adding my dye at 167 and still having issues.

The result I am getting even with an undyed candle (which makes me think its the additive) is that it seems like the additive is not mixing into the wax good. I stir for a while before I add anything and stir good before pouring. When the candle sets up it has white stuff all over the out side. Its not like frost (which I expect to happen) its more like white lines and splothes.

I am using 3% additive which is what it takes to make the tops smooth. What am I doing wrong?? Is there another way I can be sure the additive is incorporated good enough, am I heating too high/too low?? I thought it was low quality dyes at first so I purchased some dyes from my supplier of the ADM wax and "walla" same thing happened. :cry2:



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I have tested the ADM wax but not extensively. Chempoint used to be the distributor but I just found out on this board that apparently Enchanted Lites has been selling it all along but did not name it "ADM". Chempoint did email their customers (I got the email too) and referred them to Enchanted Lites. I could be wrong.....maybe they added the ADM to their line.....but what it looks like to me from reading some things is that they have been selling it and many custombers of Chempoint did not know this. Then again, I can be wrong on this. I am curious myself as to if this is the case.

As for the additive, it is called Panalite (sp?). Bizzy, I am not sure what the problem could be since you did add the additive at a high enough temp. I have tried the additive all the way up to 6% in various tests and I did not have any trouble with it blending. I am sorry I can't help much. Are you sure it is not frosting. Frosting can look a little different with different soy. From what you described though, it kinda sounds like what I get with the soy I use if I pour too hot. If I pour at 130 I do not get it. Does it kinda look like little cell looking deposits on the tops and sides of glass?

I noticed that I had to pour the ADM lower than 130 to get it too look right, but I know there are others that get better results at 150. I can't remember the highest number I tried pouring it at. I do believe though that 130 was not a good temp for my test.

I hoped this helped a bit. :) Good luck and keep us posted.


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Thank you for your responses.

I dont know what the actual initials mean.

Thanks BizzyBs for the comp on my name...lol

Holly- I get my wax from a local supplier and she actually uses the same product and does not get the same result. She does not get any of the frosting like what I have got. It took hers a month to get the beginning of frosting and hers is just slightly noticable and I poured mine last night and 3 hours later it was splotchy. My supplier told me to pour at 130 and that is what i have been doing. I will try pouring cooler. When I poured cooler than 130 it seemed to be slushy when I poured. I would think that the additive would be mixed in well except for the problem I keep having. I know that the temp in the room where you pour can be a factor to the frost, would that make a difference with this? I keep the room at about 71 to 75 degrees.


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