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Newbie intro and a question or two

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I am Howard . I've been making candles for 1 day now.... (Hello Howard) :)

After buying a few candles in the last couple weeks, I decided to look into making my own due to cost.

This was the first web site I came to from my Google search for "candle making". Awesome site - great info and even better forums! From all the other sites I have been to, whether instructional or sellers with instructions, this is the place I used for my newbie info.

After debating between the numerous sellers mentioned here, somewhat local places I found, and the tons of sellers I found on the net, I decided on Natures Garden, which is about 40 miles from me. Wholesale Supplies Plus is about 10 miles from me, but I liked the info on NG's site and got a good vibe. That's not to say I got a bad vibe from WSP, and I'm sure at some point I'll I'll head over to WSP.

Initially, I was thinking pillar, this AM before I submitted my order on NG's site for store pickup, I decided to go container. Back here to get the info, then I placed my order.

Even thoug I am not a Wal-Mart fan, I stopped there to get my Presto Kettle; $22. Target has them for $27. I also picked up a glue gun, candy thermometer, and some wood skewers. Then headed to NG.

Man, I thought picking FO's was tough just from the list, it didn't help much being able to sniff 'em either :laugh2:. I chose Yuzu, Smoke Eliminator, Snozzleberry, and Monkey Farts. How can you pass up something called Monkey Farts???


I grabbed all my stuff and headed home to make some candles.

I used pint Mason jars. It went kind of quick and next time now that I have a clue, it'll go that much better and quicker. I finished the pour about 2.5 hours ago... egads, another 70 hours before I can burn :waiting: .

Now for a couple of questions:

- The size jar I used was 2.75" in diameter. The wick charts I looked at have two wicks listed for that diameter. Even though I made one candle each with each size wick to see which works better, I was wondering if generally you all either go with the smaller or larger in these instances.

- As for logging information; I made the below Excel sheet. When I burn these, I will also add notes as to how they do. What suggestions do you all have for other info I should put in there?


Thank you all for your replies to this as well as all the info I gathered from your posts of past!!!


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Hi Howard, and welcome to the board. You seem to be one of the most organized newbie's that I've seen yet. We've got other newbies on here who get so excited about making their first candle, that they forget or don't think about the type of equipment or other supplies they may need to even make one properly...so you're off to a very good start. Finding the correct type/size wick is pretty much everyone's most difficult task in candle making. So take your time and try not to lose your cool during your wick testing. Good luck and have fun!

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Clueless about candles (haven't even poured a tart yet), but I spend a LOT of time with Excel. I suggest you put each trial (in this case your two different wicks) on it's own line in your spreadsheet instead of grouping by date. This way you can more easily log your results along side what you did. Even when you run duplicate trials (as I read people do) I think it would be best if they went on their own line as well. This way you can sort or filter by variable.

Just a suggestion.

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Hey Howard! Hello and welcome to the board. Thanks for the huge laugh in your intro ;)

I'm not going over your chart that much, but good luck on the containers. When I test I tend to go smaller and work up on wicks.

Yes, I know what you mean about hard to pick FOs and then smelling and having to pick is dang near impossible sometimes!! Been there. Did that in Texas and I wanted more by the time I got home.

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Hey Howard!

I have to say, I'm impressed. You are very organized and have a good head on your shoulders for your new adventure.

And you lucky sh*t! To live close to suppliers would be a dream.

That alone will save you a crapload of money (no shipping costs). I'm jealous!

NG has great products and fabulous customer service.

WSP, same thing. Us veterans tend to whine, bitch and complain about WSP's shipping costs, but you won't have to tend with that!

No comment on your spreadsheet, mainly because I'm too tired!

Generally speaking, in masons, I use a 51 zinc wick in most scents and a 60 zinc in the heavier scents (vanillas etc).

Good luck and have fun! And don't be a stranger!

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Very good, I'll make some changes for sure to the log. I also have a few new questions at the bottom.

PRcandles, yeah, no problem to add burn time to the log, thanks.

Crowded House, yep, I will add pour temp as well, thank you. No 28 fragrances for me, I'll have 58 :D . Ha ha ha, I need to figure out how to make candles before I even consider working to make bank off them, but that's what you were trying to say!

Thanks Fern. I've had a few interests over the years and in some it was very helpful to keep good records, such as wine making. Although I never was able to get that right, I did have some very potent wine... if you like drinking nasty tasting potent wine that is :). I also have been making beef jerky for the last 10 years. Quite a few people have said I should log my ingredients as the jerky always tastes a bit different. It is always at worst, very good, but in this instance, I prefer the "eh, a pinch of this...." method. Point is, the endeavour determines the record keeping or not. With all the variables in making candles, how many things can not be right with the burns, and my crappy memory, it seems common sensical to keep good records.

Carebear, excellent idea, thank you. I have a question for you out of curiosity; no candles and over 2000 posts? Yikes, I guess it was more an observation than question ;) :smiley2:

Scented, yep, reading details of the FO's didn't help too much... other than the Monkey Farts. Then smelling them, I had picked out 7 after going through about 1/4 of NG's FO's before I was like "man, this stuff adds up and I'm only getting 10lbs of wax.... SLOOOOW down Howard".

Waxwench, yeah, I am pretty fortunate. Although when deciding on where to get my stuff, factoring in the closeness of NG and WSP, I also was thinking about ordering from PA or IN to avoid sales tax. Shipping + sales tax by mail order from an Ohio supplier? Eh no... at least not for this initial order. Also, I figured it'd be cool to check out the FO's so I did a store pick for this one. Thank you for the FYI on WSP, that is good to hear that they are a good company. As for your comments on wicks for Masons, are those for pint jars? I haven''t seen 61Z recommended anywhere. Of course that's not to imply anything, just wondering.


A few more questions:

- FO's; I know this is probably a taboo question here, but are the craft store scents worth anything? Are these the ones that I see suppliers say are cut? I ask based strictly on convenience.

- I used an 8oz mushroom can to weigh out my FO. What's the best way to get the scent out of the can when I am done? I flushed it with hot water, ran some dish detergent through it, flushed some more, wiped it out, then put it in the oven to completely dry it.

- Do I need ot cover these, or can I just let them be free? If I should cover them, at what time should I do this?

I couldn't help myslef last night, I made two more... smoke eliminator.

Everyone have a great day!!!

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FO's; I know this is probably a taboo question here, but are the craft store scents worth anything? Are these the ones that I see suppliers say are cut? I ask based strictly on convenience.

I have not personally used FO's from craft stores, but I have never heard a good report about them.

I used an 8oz mushroom can to weigh out my FO. What's the best way to get the scent out of the can when I am done? I flushed it with hot water, ran some dish detergent through it, flushed some more, wiped it out, then put it in the oven to completely dry it.

When making testers I use glass baby food jars and find that just a bit of soap and water does the trick.

Do I need ot cover these, or can I just let them be free? If I should cover them, at what time should I do this?

I don't think you have to cover them except to keep the dust off. If you wish to cover them you can do so as soon as they finish cooling, or finish "setting up".

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Yeppers, I was talking about the 16oz mason pint jars.

A 51z usually cuts it, but with heavier FO's, I use a 60z.

You sound like you are well on your way and having fun!

Keep up the good work and yes, I'm still jealous! Bitter Creek North

is the closest supplier to me and that would still be an 8 hour drive.

Not very do-able!

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I started on craft store FOs and no thank you. They're a rip off with the price alone, but some just bite from lack of strength or needing to use to much to even get a scent. Stick with suppliers. Besides you like around some that you can go to at a whim lol.

I see you have some self control ... that's a good thing. I lack it when it comes to FOs and molds.

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- I used an 8oz mushroom can to weigh out my FO. What's the best way to get the scent out of the can when I am done? I flushed it with hot water, ran some dish detergent through it, flushed some more, wiped it out, then put it in the oven to completely dry it.

Well, gee whiz! I can't believe it. You have made wine, you have made jerky, and you are making candles, and you use mushrooms in a can??? Whatsupwiththat dude??

I am a new person to this craft too. Having lots of trouble (especially with wicks and the right sizes for the product, etc.) and some successes. Especially yesterday. Today I am wraping up the bad ones and giving them for Christmas to the neighbors that I don't particularly like. :rolleyes2 Not really!

Anyway, I have a couple of large droppers to use for FO's right from the bottle. But first, I know how much the dropper weighs empty and full. I just don't get why some FO's indicate a larger wick.

I too made an excel database. And I have modified it as I went along. I also included the outside conditions such as humidity and cold weather. I am way up in the mountains so it makes a difference. Good luck! To both of us!

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Once again, thank you Crowded House :)

Hi Michelle!!! Cool web site. I really like those Status candle jars!!! I do have a 50lb digital. On my second making last night, I switched from lb to grams as grams are easier to work with in regards to preciseness as the oz. portion of my scale only goes out to tenths.

Waxwench, is that dry weight for the 16oz? My jars are marked to 12oz (liquid) but there is room for a few more oz.'s probably 14oz liquid. They are actually Ball brand jars.

Scented... self control???? Haa haa haa, sometimes ;)

Haa haa Mauimom, I actually am not a mushroom fan at all. I do keep a can or two on hand just out of necessity, if they're ever needed. I'll have to find a glass FO measurer. Last night I was just searching for something in the house that was not plastic and the can was the best I found. Yeah, it sounds like I am quite domesticated with my waxy drunken jerky pursuits but I do let out with male bodily function noises and do the Al Bundy while watching TV :laugh2: .

Maybe for your neighbors you don't like, you can do a double pour candle... a nice FO on top, then doggie doo FO on bottom...LOL

I am sure both of us will do fine once we get going :)

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Hi! Just wanted to say hello. I use WSP too. I can drive there also:grin2: Good luck... I would stay away from craft store FOs. And buy yourself I nice digital scale to weigh your wax and FO.:grin2:

I agree with the craft store FOs. You might need to use like 2 or 3 ozs./lb wax---go with the good stuff!

Oh yea...Welcome Aboard!:D

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I buy Ball, Golden Harvest or Kerr pint mason jars and they are always my biggest seller, no matter what other container I'm carrying.

Yes, I get bored and carry tins for a while, then I change to tureens, then back to tins etc.

The vicious cycle never ends!

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FYI- I just wanted to add I got my digital scale from e-bay and I only payed $5.00! It is brand new. The brand is Neva, it weighs up to 52lbs. It weighs in grams or ounces. It has the tare and hold function. It's seems to be very accurate. It looked like they had a whole bunch of them. There wasn't very many people bidding on any of the scales, so I got it for cheap! Just thought I would share in case anybody was looking for a scale...:D


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