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Jar warmers - correct me if I'm wrong...

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Cool, thanks for the explanation. I love the idea and have accidentally done it by leaving a jar candle on my stovetop with the oven on and LOVED how it filled the room with scent without the issues associated with small children and flames... (not that hot wax is not also an issue, but to a slightly lesser degree).

And should I ever get into it I will make sure I have quality glass...

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I bought a bunch of them a little over a year ago on sale at Michael's for under $5 each. They are 17 watts. I have given most of them to my teacher friends with no one ever having a problem. I keep one beside my bed that sometimes I forget during the day and leave on for 10+ hrs at a time.

I've never put a thin container on one. BTW--it's great if you are sipping on tea or coffee and want to keep it warm.

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If you ever have a question as to if a jar will break or if it is thick enough for a candle, put it in a pre-heated oven (350 degrees) for at least 20 minutes. If it doesn't break chances are it is fine for candles or to be sat on the warmers. HTH

Somehow they just don't seem safe to me.

Doesn't wax EXPAND when it melts? And doesn't the BOTTOM of the candle melt first?

How come the jars don't crack or break?

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And WallyWorld has the warmers in the Christmas department right now for under $5 each. I bought one for my brother as he's in college and can't have lit candles in his dorm. (Of course I opened it and tested it for him first lol). Did great with the 8 oz tureen size and the half pint wide mouth jelly. IMO, I wouldn't want to use anything taller than that as it takes a while to melt to the top and you don't smell it til it does.


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