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I also hate votives...!

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Ok, last night I tried making some EZ Soy votives (with BW and SA). One turned out just fine and the other was white at the bottom (they were dyed brown). I accidentally dropped one and it dented quite a bit. The sides of the votive were also a bit "oily" which made me think for whatever reason the FO was trying to seep out of the votive (probably my imagination).

So, if anyone has some suggestions on making perfect EZ Soy votives, I'd love to hear it. Or please suggest to me a nice votive making wax, especially using a brand I can get at BCN or in the midwest (I'm in Wisconsin).

(Unfortunately I'm at work so I don't have my recipe with me but it was something like; 1% BW, 1% steric, and the rest EZ Soy.) I might actually like a recommendation for a nice wax that looks pretty as a votive and easy to work with. EZ Soy can sometimes not be very pretty. :)

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I think I might give the ecosoya a try. I have to wait until next week though because I have a rule of not placing more than two supply orders a week, I've already hit my quota.

My EZ Soy votives were oily though to so I wonder if I'm close to getting the right with the EZ Soy. Hmmm.

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I live just South of Chicago and I get my EcoSoya from a company called DPS in New Lenox, Illinois. I get the wax from them because I can drive there to pick it up myelf, saves a ton on shipping!!! Since you are in WI it might be cheaper for you to order from them if there is no close options for you. I am not sure off the top of my head if Bitter Creek carries EcoSoya?


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OMG I had to laugh at the heading! lol Anyway, I'm not giving up on votives yet. I'm gonna try the Dixie cup ones but I am NOT making them out of the plastic molds I have! lol Anyway, I hope you get it figured out. I'm taking a break from them and not starting the Dixie cup ones until next week or so!


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I'm using metal molds and for the most part like them. I had much better success with the dixie cup votives but they didn't fit the votive cups I have. I tried the plastic molds awhile back with parafin, to make a long story short the plastic molds are wick holders now. They store the tops of wicks I cut off incase I ever need to test out a certain sized wick they are nicely organized in cute little plastic cups, I mean molds.

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