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I made this great smelling soap the other day (smells like Christmas pie), and it looks great, has the properties that a client wants (neem oil, and leaves). But it's spongy!!! Of course it's only about a week old...but still, it shouldn't be squishy! it's not leaking and doesn't feel oily, it's just squishy, like cheese...not firm and creamy....what do I do about this...I'll own that I used an awful lot of FO to cover the neem smell, could this have done it? am I going to need to rebatch?


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How small of a batch was it? I'm assuming about a 1 pound oil batch?

I'm not sure how rebatching is going to help if you have too much fragrance oil. I suppose a certain amount of it will "cook off" during the rebatch process but you've still got 3x the amount of FO you would normally use. The solvents from the FO are still going to be there.

What about making it into chunks or confetti and using it another batch?

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WOW, that is a lot of FO for a one pound batch! Not sure what you can do about it, since I'm still a "baby" at soaping.

That being said, I also have a batch that has been "curing" for about 4 weeks and it's pretty much like firm cream cheese. :rolleyes: I don't know what happened to it, but I've been cutting off a piece at a time every week or so and then waiting for the end to get hard so I can cut it again.

Last night I was finally able to cut the rest, but it's still really creamy/wet on the inside, just like when you cut cream cheese.

I'm really hoping that this cures up nice and hard, cuz it's really pretty and smells good too. mg13.gif

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OK now wait a minute lol! I have a soap like this and it's cut and air drying ... only a week old too. Good comparison to the cheesiness, but I'm going with the cure to see if it gets harder ... so far it is. I didn't overdo the scent thang either. I've been finding though when I do larger batches it just doesn't wanna get hard very fast. If I do a 2 lb batch, not a problem.

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