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Hi there, I wanted to run this recipe by everyone to see if there are any suggestions to change it to something less oily feeling. I was originally going to do a 90% shea butter and 10% grapeseed oil recipe but I find that in my area shea is quite expensive so I was hoping to come up with a recipe that would be just as nice. I find that the following recipe is nice and creamy but it seems to be oily when you pick it up, it sort of melts in your hand and has too much of an oily afterfeel. I was wondering if I should add in vegetable glycerin (I dont know much about using it) or if that wouldn't work in this type of recipe. This is the recipe:

2 oz whipped shea butter

1 oz whipped cocoa butter

2 oz turbinado sugar

4 oz white sugar

1 oz grapeseed oil

1/2 oz castor oil

I whipped the shea and cocoa then added the rest in and it whipped up nice and fluffy, but seems too oily, although it isn't runny at all. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to go for a thick and creamy scrub without any additives or preservatives (other than vitamin E).

Are most sugar scrubs on the oily side? I see alot of recipes with just sugar and oil combo so I'm wondering if thats how they are. TIA everyone!

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Unless you do a recipe with M&P in it, you're generally going to find that a "sugar scrub" is only oils and sugar. Yep, it's oily, and greasy and stuff...and unless you add some soap or cleanser, it's just going to be greasy.

I use a fabulous scrub base from MMS that I offer in addition to a oil sugar scrub, for my customers who like a cleaning scrub instead of a moisturizing one. HTH!

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