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Tarts on the radiator??

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I'm one of the newbies to this board, so you know I need a lot of help!!!

I live in London. Went to The Body Shop here, guess what is the price for a burner?? 10 POUNDS!!! Unbelievable!!

In Trinidad, where I'm from originally, it's about 50 pence!!!

Ok, my question, can I place it in a container on the radiator? Or is it risky? I decided to ask instead of doing it because I dont want to burn down my landlord's flat!!!

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i also put a heat safe dish on the top of my oven anytime I am baking in it.....the place in between the burners gets warm enouigh to melt them when i am roasting or baking bread etc... as for the radiator if yu have no pets or kiddos adn a way to secure it I dont see why not....but if it spils it would be tough to clean up

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personally, i put a 4 oz jar on my coffee pot burner and placed a tart in there. That is what I did before my tart burner.

What do those prices translate to? Here a tart burner with the tealight is $4.00 and I just bought a potpourri simmer pot for $5. That's what I use.

£10 converts to just under $20 at the min :shocked2:

You can get burners for much cheaper than that, you just have to look around a little. I got my last one from the supermarket. I would rather wait till I had a proper burner rather than use a radiator, but I also have children :wink2:

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I definately wouldn't put it on the radiator, I softened some butter for baking in a dish on the radiator, forgot about it til it was melted then managed to knock it over.

It spilled inside the top air outlet, stank for ages & was a nightmare to clean up.........all cos I wanted to save some time!

Look on Ebay you can get some cheap burners on there.


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The Body Shop has some really cute burners right now for the holidays.

You can get them way cheaper. Why not look for a mug warmer at a department store. They are usually less than $5 USD. Use a heat proof container and put your tart in that. I use a pyrex dish for my tarts.

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