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Average burn time?

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I had a customer ask how long my 8oz jelly jars burned. I told her the average was around 30 hours, and she got upset and told me that she bought some previously from someone else and got 45+ hours out of them. She did admit that they were paraffin and she burned for very short periods of time.

I haven't worked with paraffin, so I wasn't sure if it burns longer than soy or if this lady is crazy. I have always used blends, currently using GL 70/30.

So, is her expectations out of line or are my jellys burning too fast? I feel that they are wicked properly to achieve the correct mp for the jar, no soot, etc.

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I think that some people tell their customers whatever they want to hear these days.......today at my show, there was another lady who was also making candles and she had this really informative flyer about her candles and how soy is safer and healthier than paraffin and that soy candles burns 50 % longer than paraffin candles. She also stated that her candles were 100 % Soy. All of the 100% Soy candles I have ever seen have a different appearance to them and hers looked just like mine. (which are a 50/50 blend) So, I really feel like she was feeding the consumer a load of bull.

Plus she used the classic "triple scented".

I had my in laws go ask her what she meant by "triple scented" candles and she told them that you were only supposed to use 1/2 oz pp of fo and that she uses 1.5 oz pp of fo and that is how she triple scents her candles.

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Thanks - its handy sometimes to be OCD! :o

Yes, I agree that honesty is best. Actually the average burn is 32 hours 40 minutes, so I use 30 hours. Underestimate and over deliver is my theory!

I was just wondering what others burn times are, since she was so appalled.

Is there anyone out there that gets 45-50 hours out of a jelly jar? Wicked correctly, no hangup, sooting, etc?

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I don't use an 8 oz jelly jar, but i do use a 8z mason jar with a GB 415 & IGI comfort blends mixture and usually average 50 hours per candle.

although i don't have many scents to base that on--I make the scents that I feel comfortable with available to customers as I feel okay with each one--I only have 2 scents for wicked candles right now. I also sell air fresheners and wickless candles though I only have 4 scents in the wickless & lots in the air fresheners.

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