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To add soap or not to add soap - That is the question


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Hello all,

We've been doing candles for 3 years now. So far we've done very well. Not getting rich, but not putting all of the cash back in the business. We sell about 50% of our candles at craft shows in October - December. The rest through a network of "ladies" who sell at work, do home shows, etc...

Anyway, while sitting (and standing) at the craft shows, I've noticed that at least 3 out of 4 people don't pay any attention to our candles at all. I understand that not everyone wants a candle and some of those who do love candles have a closet full. That being said, I'd like to try to get at least 1 of the 3 people who don't stop at our booth interested and I'm thinking of doing a melt and pour soap. I would use a soy based melt and pour. Nothing fancy, just soaps to match the candle scents we make (body safe, of course). Our candles are all left "natural", no color, and I would like to do the soap the same way. Do people want white soap?

Anyone else just do soap and candles. To those with experience: Is it worth my trouble?

Any advice you can give would be much appreciated.


John A

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You know I was thinking of doing the same. First I think I want to try a kit and make some as gifts to see how I do. I do candles as well. But I noticed also while at my craft shows this one vendor with soap was just jammed pack with customers. I think it might be a nice addition to ones line. Good luck with, I plan on rethinking the idea after the holidays.

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I plan on rethinking the idea after the holidays.

Me too. I'll have all Spring and Summer to perfect the soap. :grin2:

Hopefully, someone on the board is already doing it or tried it in the past and can give us some pointers!

John A

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Adding soap and bnb gives people more reasoins to go into your booth and increases the chance of a sale. Some shows I sell very little, then others they tear up the soap/bnb and the candles sit. Would have missed that market entirely if I had not added. I say go for it!!

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Once I get the candle thing down I think I might venture in M&P Bath Bombs and sprays...does this madness ever end? :tiptoe:

NO!!! LOL!!

I'm working on M&P soap right now. Currently just for friends and family, not a part of my business. But one never knows ............

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