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what size cotton wick

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It's been a couple of years, but that's where I got my first soy "kit." I got a case of 8 oz jj, 10 lbs soy, fo's, and a bag of wicks labeled "medium." Knowing nothing, Loren (I think that's his name) was so nice and helpful. He emailed me over a weekend guiding me through it. Even told me to call him, which I did. I didn't know about all the varieties of wicks at that time. I just used the mediums he sent with the jj's. I made up the case with 2 or 3 different fo's. All burned perfectly.

I was so grateful for the help I got from Candle Source. My only wish was that they had told me exactly what kind of wicks those were. When I later wanted to try different containers, etc., I was had no idea that those wicks wouldn't work with them all! Not their fault, I know, but I was totally green.

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Over the last few years, I've found LOTS of sellers like that. Especially on ebay, but also on websites. When I was first learning gels, I bought "kits." None of the wicks were labeled as to type. All of the candles I made with the kits turned out fine and burned nicely. However, when I wanted to experiment and explore, it was a real hassle trying to figure out what I needed in regards to wicking.

The kits are great for someone who just wants to make a few candles for personal use and gifts. You do learn some of the basics of melting, etc. But, if you want to continue, you are back at square one and sometimes don't even realize it. Some of the kits can give you a false sense of knowledge and security. Not everyone can or will do the research to even find out that you know next to nothing. There are many of us who have spent thousands of $$ on supplies that we realize later needs to go straight in the garbage!

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Wow...medium wicks, adding FO by the drop...I am learning all sorts of new things about candlemaking this week! Head-Spin.gif

No offense to you new candlemakers - I just can't believe there are serious supplies and instructions out there like that. That's really...something.

Yeah I too am a little baffled by some of this! :tongue2:

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