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UGH--I made MUD!!


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Ok, so I had to cook a turkey late last night for my son's "feast" at school today, so I thought while I was waiting up for it to get done, I would play around with some of my new colors from the oxide co-op.

I wanted to make black raspberry and vanilla (Peak) so I mixed up a 2lb. batch and brought it to thin trace and then pulled out 2- 1/2c portions, one to use the maganese violet and the other for the shimmer, I thought that should be a pretty mix with a white base right?


My mag. violet turned almost the exact same color as dead sea mud!! :angry2:


Soooo, does this mean I'll never be able to get that beautiful violet color in soap or what? That really stinks!

Well, of course I wasn't about to put that in my beautiful white (added TD) soap, especially when the scent is BRV ya know, so I just TRIED to swirl in the 1/2c of the shimmer I did.

I hope you can kind of tell from one of these pics. that I used that gorgeous shimmer mica-I'm the worst photographer on the planet!!



I'm really hoping that I get some sort of swirl this go round, even though I know if I did it will be really light against the white background Watch I'll get this awesome swirl finally and it won't even show up in my pics-that would be the way my luck is running these days. :rolleyes:

Oh, and because my soaping oils and butters etc. are like GOLD to me, I didn't want to waste my "mud" portion, so I got out some Tuscan Nights (Peak) and added a bit of that to it and poured it into a single soap bar cavity. I swear as soon as I added that FO to it, it REALLY started to look like MUD, it was ricing. LOL So, if it even comes out at least I can say it's realistic good smelling mud soap right!!?? :D

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Michi, give it a chance. Sometimes colors morph some more with a little time. You may be surprised.

Yes, a few batches ago I had a batch that went from baby poop yellow to army green to grey and then to a really pretty peach (none of which were the original color I might add :rolleyes:) so that was another reason I didn't want to throw out the "mud" wanted to see if it would morph back to that beautiful color it started out as----NOPE, today it's STILL MUD!! :(

Has anyone else used this color successfully in CP??

I'm really disappointed but keep hoping that maybe it's just a reaction with one of the oils/butters I used and that if I eliminate that, maybe I could use it, otherwise what good is it? :(

I really thought the only reason I was having problems with morphing colors is b/c I wasn't using the correct colorants for CP soap.

Oh and I guess no one can see that beautiful shimmer mica in the other pics huh?

Man oh man, I'm having the worst luck with CP I swear I'm just gonna go back to my basic M&P stuff I used to do. **said in my snottest/poutiest kiddie voice***

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Oh man Michi, you need one of these bigarmhugda7.gif. When I first started reading I thought you could call it chocolate covered raspberries.

Yes you can get a nice purple color, you just gotta find the right ones ( both ultra marine violet and violet pearl mica gives a fantastic purple color) knew the manganese violet turned brown, wished you would of mentioned something.

Your not having worst luck you have having valuable lessons right now - ya know what, this is gonna be your best soap and in high demand and you aren't gonna be able to make it again:D

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Mine did the same thing. I was so disappointed. It was almost instant that it turned dark brown. I was making mulberry soap, thank goodness it changed before I added it to the whole batch.

If you got the Amethyst Mica, be careful..mine turned gray. After the soap gelled, and I unmolded, it turned a golden yellow in some areas, but stayed the gray color in places too.

Oh, and I forgot to add, the Cellini Red, turned orange after the gel. Now I have orange and white peppermint soap. I had a little bit left over, and put it in a small heart mold, and it didn't gel, and stayed the red color.

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I've been reading brambleberry's site about their Micas... and when you read through the color descriptions you come to the conclusion that 90% of mica's morph into something else in CP, some like the mag. even says 'not recommended for CP"- lol... knock knock. :cool2: Just kidding- I TOTALLY understand the excitement and thrill of trying something new and many times I have had major 'omfg - DUH' smackin myself upside the head kind of thing. But it has made a reader out of me and given that I am so stinking cheap (and poor) reading helps, lol.

You mentioned that you were looking for a violet and I recall that the Cellini Blue morphs into mauve and ---I think it said violet. I wish they would tell you what each and every color did in CP. But since they only make notes on the really big no no's i'm the type to ASSume if it doesn't say it's bad, then it must be good! :cheesy2:

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I'm sorry you got "mud"... but what a quick save on the rest of the soap!! I can see the "simmer" in the mold. I'd love to see pics of both when cured.

I too would love to "know more about colors/dyes and what happens in CP soap. I'm new and cheap...and can only buy so much to start out..and would have freaked out if my color would have turned to mud!! But knowing me...I would have just done my best to swirl....and say I did it on purpose!! :laugh2: :laugh2:

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I agree, some reading up will do my heart (and pocketbook) a world of good, I had NO idea that BB had info. on that though, thanks for the heads up on that Blazerina!!

Never did lighten up, but it only made one bar of soap, so it wasn't a total loss I guess, considering I added some manly scent to it, and I know men appreciate the darker soaps, not really into the more girly ones like I'm always striving for. ;)

This soap even after 6 days is still waaaaay too soft to get out of the mold dang it, I was almost afraid that it would be too hard to cut when I got home from our holiday trip, now I'm just irritated that I still can't see the outcome b/c it's sooo soft!!

I for one would DEFINITELY appreciate a sticky thread on colorants of all kinds!!

Ok, off to read BB's site before I use any more of my precious colorants/micas........

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