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Went to a craft show today....


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It was in a school gym. there were maybe abut 50-75 vendors. I was scoping it out for next year...BUT there were like 4 or 5 candle people there!! ALL of them except one was soy candles. The other one was gel.

Anyway I walk into a candle booth in the back corner and this woman and her husband were sitting in chairs in the corner. I start smelling candles and after about a min. she gets up and starts the "sales Pitch" I was OK till she says Oh and you can pour this stuff on your husband and give him a massage (sp?) :undecided . I said WHAT?? She says yes it is skin conditioning and you can use it like a lotion!! I just looked at her....speechless. Now she had some scents there that I know are not skin safe!! I piced up one and I say "is the FO in here skin safe??" she says Oh yea, it is safe for the skin....I get it on my skin all the time and it dosent bother me....!!!*faint*

I just turned around an walked out...I cant believe people are so STUPID!!

I think i'll pass on this show next year....

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Heck no...go and put a big sign in your booth saying "Just say NO to putting scented candle wax on your skin!"

Shows are interesting...people are interesting...and the things some will say to just make a sale is just flat out sad.

Hey, thats an idea...

Really the reason I most likley WONT do the show is because too many of the same craft is there...But there was only one soap lady....so who knows!!

I may change my mind by next year!!


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Shows are interesting...people are interesting...and the things some will say to just make a sale is just flat out sad.

I agree...but I get that question about once a week or so, "Can I rub this wax into my skin?"

I always say no, that I've heard of lotion candles but that is not what I make. I'm sure I've lost a sale or six by saying that but it's better than a letter from a lawyer down the road.

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Heck no...go and put a big sign in your booth saying "Just say NO to putting scented candle wax on your skin!"

Shows are interesting...people are interesting...and the things some will say to just make a sale is just flat out sad.

Oh Lord yes!! Get into that show next year lol!!

But see just cuz you saw 5 at this show doesn't mean 5 will be there next year.

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It makes me so mad to see some of these people!!! I have been making candles for over 7 years and have worked my butt off testing each and every product, getting out there and getting new accounts, advertising and acquiring a large customer base. Now when I see all these people at these shows who have just started and have no idea what the heck they are doing, and not testing thier products it makes me furious!!! They are destroying my business with thier stupidity!!! Alls it takes for a person is one crappy "homemade" candle experience and it ruins it for that person. Therefore, hurting me. It is all I can do to keep my mouth shut to these people when I see them at shows and see the scents that are supposed to be "skin Safe" when they are not and listening to the sales pitch on soy and lotion etc. PUKE!! Why does everyone under the sun think they can or want to make candles? And what about these dumbe people who actually call me up and want to come to my business so that I can show them how to Make candles or want to know where to get supplies. Or these people I see come in to check out all my products and the next thing I know they are on thier tables to!! Are they nuts??? Ok, I feel a little better now. LOL!!!

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It was in a school gym. there were maybe abut 50-75 vendors. I was scoping it out for next year...BUT there were like 4 or 5 candle people there!! ALL of them except one was soy candles. The other one was gel.

Anyway I walk into a candle booth in the back corner and this woman and her husband were sitting in chairs in the corner. I start smelling candles and after about a min. she gets up and starts the "sales Pitch" I was OK till she says Oh and you can pour this stuff on your husband and give him a massage (sp?) :undecided . I said WHAT?? She says yes it is skin conditioning and you can use it like a lotion!! I just looked at her....speechless. Now she had some scents there that I know are not skin safe!! I piced up one and I say "is the FO in here skin safe??" she says Oh yea, it is safe for the skin....I get it on my skin all the time and it dosent bother me....!!!*faint*

I just turned around an walked out...I cant believe people are so STUPID!!

I think i'll pass on this show next year....

You must've been at the same show I was at yesterday! I'm shopping around and the next thing you know, this girl's pouncing on me in the aisle trying to rub wax on my hand! She's going through her whole sales pitch and telling me how great her candles are, so I go take a look. Now, I don't make candles, but I've been reading and researching here for quite a while, and I think I know enough to know that her candles looked awful! The wicks were not centered, there were cracks and sinkholes in all of them, but everyone was sure buying them up! I know that not all of her candle scents were skin safe, but that didn't seem to be stopping her! Or her husband! I just couldn't believe the way they were marketing their candles. I almost bought one just to take it home and see how it burned, but then I thought, why give her any more money to continue making these candles? She needs to stop!!

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