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Exposed to fumes - Hospital?

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Well I don't know if you are referring to my post but it wasn't intended to make him feel stupid - although I thought it a bit obtuse for him to worry about dying and he is here posting on a message board.....As someone else said, we are not educated nor should we be giving medical advice - he was concerned about dying, I stand by telling him he should go to the ER NOW. Ya know Carrie, you should really stop 'thinking' you know what others are thinking and stick to what you (think) you know.

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When someone has ocd or panic disorder just having some one to talk to while you going through something like that can be a HUGE comfort. he had a dr appt and im sure his dr made an educated choice as to when to bring him in. But in the mean time he was obviously scared and needed reassuring. I think the post about if the drs thought it was something really bad they would have taken told you to go straight to the er was probably exactly what he needed to hear to calm down. I know when im scared about something ill talk to my family about it to make myself feel better but they arent medical professionals by any means lol

Trust me as someone with panic disorder when your scared you dont stop and think, oh it probably doesnt make sense to post here, im sure he just thought he could get some first hand knowledge about it and make himself feel better till his appt. I dont this that is ridiculous, especially since he seeked help from a medical professional and then came here. Ill admit when You see someone say something like "am I going to die" and there asking you and you know that know one here can possibly know that answer it seems ludicris, but not from a mind that is full of worry and panic, just one person being gentle enough to say the right things in a calm manner is a huge help to stop a full blown panic attack and stay calm. I know it may not make the best sense but like I said you have to see it from the perspective of somone who has had these problems.

Didnt mean to write a book, but though maybe i could shed some light on why someone might post about this. This is just of course my observation and experience from having pd and working/helping others that also have it. :)

if your still here and reading this post I want you to know I agree with the post about if the dr thought it was an emergency he would have sent you to the er. For now Is just keep a watchful eye on your symptoms and call the dr if anything new develops. Remember the dr or er nurse is just a phone call away so just phone them up if your worried, remember that is what they are there for. :)

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I think this happens when other people reply and try to make the original poster feel stupid and they would rather delete their original post before anymore flamers jump aboard. :undecided just a guess

Hate to burst your bubble but the original poster WAS STUPID. Why do peopel do dumb things then come here and ask us if he's going to die?

This is a candle board not AMA sheesh.

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I read the posts this a.m., and I do believe this was the firrst and only posts made by this person. This is not a sympathy board, or a board to deal with OCDs or any mental or physical health problems, or to help people decide to leave their husbands/boyfriends, to have a child or not, or whatever. If you need help with that, go to the health & social services section of your phone book, you'll get qualified help, or get somewhere near the help you are searching for.

This forum was designed to help you decide what color to make your candles, what body butter is better and even who likes/dislikes Just Scents FOs. Wow, what has happened here? I used to get great information here, now it seems like a daytime drama or episodes of Springer or Maury.

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This forum was designed to help you decide what color to make your candles, what body butter is better and even who likes/dislikes Just Scents FOs. Wow, what has happened here? I used to get great information here, now it seems like a daytime drama or episodes of Springer or Maury.

Merry Christmas! :D

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I read the posts this a.m., and I do believe this was the firrst and only posts made by this person. This is not a sympathy board, or a board to deal with OCDs or any mental or physical health problems, or to help people decide to leave their husbands/boyfriends, to have a child or not, or whatever. If you need help with that, go to the health & social services section of your phone book, you'll get qualified help, or get somewhere near the help you are searching for.

This forum was designed to help you decide what color to make your candles, what body butter is better and even who likes/dislikes Just Scents FOs. Wow, what has happened here? I used to get great information here, now it seems like a daytime drama or episodes of Springer or Maury.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

Sorry, couldn't resist!

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Bull caca is right!! :cool2: I'm betting dollars to donuts he/she/whoever came here with a bunch of baloney to see exactly what kind of response and exactly how gullible some are on this board. I certainly didn't think for a minute it was true in any way, shape or form!!

Yes panic attacks/disorder aren't fun, been there, done that after some surgery a while back......BUT, you can bet even though I was a member on this and a couple other boards, I most definately didn't post asking what to do and if I was gonna die. Plus, if he/she/it actually do have panic disorder, they already have some nice little 'happy' pills to take and calm down!!! Give me a break.......caca is putting it mildly!! They are probably still laughing their ass off!! :2cents:

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Chris, I figured the poster was being honest. You should see some of the posts I've seen over the years on hot glass artist's boards. People setting themselves on fire because they dropped molten glass on a Bic lighter, turning the valve the wrong way on a BBQ propane tank so propane spewed all over their kitchen, torching with no ventilation so they got carbon monoxide illness, and on and on. And yes, I've seen some consult first with an online forum to ask what to do instead of calling the fire dept. or going to the ER like they should have. :eek:

I didn't see the poster's responses here before they were deleted, so I don't know if my reply was what caused the ruckus. What I wrote was accurate ventilation information based on my years of working with torches and indoor airborne hazards. I posted with the hope that something could be learned from his experience to avoid similar problems in the future.

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