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YEA, I sucessfully wicked the 21 oz

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bee hive jar from C & S. I have been making candles in this jar for about 2 yrs and only sell them to friends and family b/c the opening is so small and the base is so large that it makes it impossible to wick. If I wick based on the opening, it will burn down the middle after the 2nd ring, and if I wick it based on the base then it will mushroom soooo bad at the top but burns beautifully to the bottom.

Well, I tried something a little different.....I poured the bottom half and wicked it with a CD 16, then after that set up, I hot glued a CD 8 to the CD16 and poured the top half. It actually worked and burned beautifully. The little bit of hot glue in the middle of the two wicks did not affect it at all. I am burning a 2nd one just to make sure I get the same result. My plan is still the same though to only sell them to family and friends b/cuz I would still like to keep tabs on them. :highfive:

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