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Can't get good colors in my EZ Soy!

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Does anyone know why this might be? My reds come out dark pinkish, I can't achive the darker shades I want. Everything is kind of "pastelly", except for brown, I can get that how I want it, it's more of a problem with the primary colors.

I use color blocks from various suppliers... thinking about switching to liquids but really prefer the use of the blocks. Is there anyway I can achieve the darkers shades with EZ Soy and the dye blocks?

Please help!



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I was never able to, so I went to liquids. I like the EVO liquids from Just By Nature...


Well I may have to switch over to liquids then... the problem is I'm so clumsy there is going to be dye all over the place! Everything I've been searching here on the boards says to use liquids and add blacks and brown for a richer color, but I can't find anything where anyone is using the blocks to get rich colors... Oh well!!

The whole coloring the soy is killing me. I used to be a painter and mixing watercolors or acrylics was never this hard for me! Maybe the liquids will be more like paints! :)


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I used liquids and blocks from BCN in the EZ SOY...

Never worked for me.. :undecided

When I did get a rich red or blue color..

It was because I had to overload on the dye, which then clogged my wick..

Then it would frost... More trouble than it was worth. IMO

I am with scent celler.... Dye free... It's Less of a headache!!

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Don't fret about not being able to get dark colors with the EZsoy. I like uncolored soy candles as I think they look more upscale and they go well in every room of the house.

I was actually considering that! Where I live the walls are white and we have wood cabinets and trim, so I like the color, but that's a good point you make most people don't live in such boring places like me!


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I have a colored line and an uncolored line. I use just soy for the uncolored line, and use a para/soy blend for the colored line.

I am an artist, as well, and couldn't live without the color completely...

The dropper bottles are easy to handle for clutzes like uds...;)

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Almost any soy you will have to put more dye in it to get the deeper colors. I use the liquid colors in mine and get nice dark colors. To get a good red, add some orange to your red and it will take the pink out of it. I do 3 parts red to 1 part orange.

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