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Peaks Wild Mt Honey


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I soaped my Peaks Wild Mt Honey this weekend.........OMG is this one a keeper!! IT smells awesome, soaps beautifully and the scent is long lasting! It is steller!!! I used a sliver of it last night after I sliced it and couldn't believe how wonderful it smelled. My dang dogs were barking last night at 3am and I got up to tell them to SHUT UP and I could still smell that wonderful smell on my hands!!! So it stays with you....something I love to see in a soap!

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Kymber - sounds fabulous. Did it discolor? Not that I need to order anything new...

It is still pretty new in it's curing process but didn't change much at all , if any, gelling. So I think it is going to probably stay pretty true to color. I did a 20% water discount with it and it just behaved sooooooooooo well! I can't wait to put it in some lotion!

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Did you make CP soap with it? I had a really bad experience once using one of their FO's in CP. I learned the hard way that sometimes when a FO is listed as B&B safe doesn't necessarly mean it has been tested for CP use:tongue2: ! Live and learn!!!

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Did you make CP soap with it? I had a really bad experience once using one of their FO's in CP. I learned the hard way that sometimes when a FO is listed as B&B safe doesn't necessarly mean it has been tested for CP use:tongue2: ! Live and learn!!!

I used this in CP---was very impressed all the way around!

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