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Has anyone ever seen this?

Guest amynleebishop

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Isn't this too much?

FOs (their components) must be approved by RFIM, IFRA and FDA.. or am I missing something?

Anyway, look at all we eat, drink, inhale...if you don't live in a virgin forest eating fruits I guess soot shouldn't be your biggest problem.

Or do you light 100 candles in an evening while watching TV?

I usually light one candle, and in a house there is always circulating air, even if you have the windows all closed.

We should find out what's true, and as with every other thing.. just don't use too much.

Actually fragrances do not need to be approved by the FDA and in fact a lot of them are considered "Trade Secrets" so the ingredients do not even have to be listed anywhere...hence the reason they can have so many undisclosed ingredients and yes many of them are not good. As far as the FDA is concerned that is not in their realm of work...they are too busy approving useless and harmful drugs for the general public to pay outrageous prices for and perhaps get hurt...vioxx anyone?:shocked2:

off my soapbox!

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What I tell my customers is this: It all in the way the candles are WICKED. If the candle is properly wicked and the person trims the wick regularly, you don't get black soot on the jars. I don't bash parrafin to sell my soy candles. But I bring fully burned candles to the show to show how well they burn and that they ARE correctly wicked. It's up to the customer to make the choice. And several times I sent customer to friends who sell parrafin candles because that what they want! No problem!

The other thing I NEVER say is my candles are 100% natural! NOPE! No true! The F/O and Colors are NOT natural.

The closest I can get to that statement id my Eucalyptus candle which IS made with E/O and not F/O. But it's still colored so.....it still fails the test.


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I am more concerned about the long term affects of the fo's that I am breathing in than the wax itself. This soap box is so old.

this is so true. I was just thinking this the other day when I was pouring. thinking to myself that I really should wear a mask, but then what the hell I smoke. But really, smoking is bad enough I really shouldn't add more to my lungs.

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