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Why do my candles cave in.

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I need help, everytime I make candle the bottom of my candle have a hole, I've have been re-pouring and poking holes with skewers,near the wick put I'm still getting deep hold in my candles. Is it the type of wax or is it type of mold. I'm using parafin wax and polycarbonate mold. Please HELP I need a solution.

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I use paraffin wax to make pillars and have to re-pour/top off 2 times.

Re-pours are common with paraffin pillar wax. If you re-pour to soon the sink hole will be deep, as if you did not re-pour. You can wait until the pillar is stone cold before you re-pour. Just don't let the re-pour go all the way up to the top of the pillar or it might melt through and run down between the candle and the mold.

Once you pour enough pillars you will get the timing down, of when to re-pour, just keep practicing.

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I would add one thing.

When you do the poking, use something thicker like the blunt end of a chopstick. That makes it easier to do it right. A skewer is too skinny unless you move it around to widen the hole.

Make 3 or 4 big chopstick holes in between the wick and the edge of the candle, just down to where you hit liquid wax. At first you'll just be piercing the top layer of solidified wax. Later you'll be poking deeper to keep the holes open as the candle cools.

If you do the relief holes right, you'll get less of a sink hole in the center and less chance of hidden cavities in the candle.

Otherwise do as the others say and let the candle cool off before you repour, so you don't have to do it more than once.

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