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Crescent Moons

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As a hobbiest, I bought a soy container kit;

I have made a few testers and when I burn them they are not burning evenly.

I am left with a sliver of a moon shape of wax around one half of the container: Blurry pic, but see the 1/2 moon??


Another I made has what it seems is 2 melt pools and looks nothing like a real candle, maybe I need to wick up for that one. Here is a pic and the container is 1 pint- I used an eco 8:


If this is a cure time issue, then I am a violator.

Otherwise, what could cause this?

I use EZ Soy and 1-1.5 oz of fo

I am using eco 8 wicks and 8 oz jelly jars, except for the pint which is a tin

They looked so pretty before the test burn too:





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How long did you burn each of those? On the first, it's possible the wick is a little off-center. Try burning again, sometimes that will catch up on the second or third burn. On the second, either it didn't burn long enough or needs a larger wick. Actually, it looks like it's burning off the wax, I wonder if a smaller wick might not be what you need. What's the diameter of your tin?

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How long did you burn each of those? On the first, it's possible the wick is a little off-center. Try burning again, sometimes that will catch up on the second or third burn. On the second, either it didn't burn long enough or needs a larger wick. Actually, it looks like it's burning off the wax, I wonder if a smaller wick might not be what you need. What's the diameter of your tin?

I burned the candles more than 4 times. I can admit the wicks were not dead centered either. I just ordered some wick bars from CandleScience to help with centering the wicks.

The tin's diameter is 3 inches.

Thanks for the advice!:D

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You're supposed to judge wick size by burning one hour for each inch of the diameter. If it burns any faster, the glass will get too hot and might crack. The tin can get real hot too. So, a jelly jar needs to be tested 2.5-3 hours at once stretch. I don't use EZ Soy, but I don't add anything to my soy, and it's fine. It's all about getting the right wick for burn times.

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Thanks, I will test over 3.5 hours. Right wick for burn time, good to know.

The cold/hot throw are fine.

Not cracking or frosting either, I guess I just liked to light the candle and then blow it out to smell the cold throw again! Total noob!

Thanks again!:D

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I don't think the 1 hour for every inch of the diameter of the jar is a hard and fast rule. I've gotten a mp faster than that rule would allow for yet my jar never got too hot. I think you must look at other factors sometimes but that is a good rule to use as a rule of thumb. It is always important to burn a candle all the way down when testing since the burn can change as you go along - i.e., your burn can start out great and then half way down, start to fizzle out.

Stearic Acid will make your candle wax harder and can be used when using 100% soy to make tarts or votives. Since it makes the wax harder, it can slow you burn time down but I would not recommend the use of it as it can change your wicking.

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